Bringing Wisdom to Mara’s World
Saturday May 5, 2018
The channel opened around 7:11 am this morning. I will express more clarity with an identifier:
Channeled document/Tavatimsa north/Thule northeast/May/5/18
One proximate cause of the channel is my right hand man in Texas, name not yet released. He emailed me last night with the below two posters.
The immediate impression it made upon my mind was to compare his devotion with those in my Thursday night Brian Ruhe Show group. Some of them come to meet like minded people and they politely waited until Diane and I finished our one hour talk on May 3rd. Then they had no questions afterwards and we had an hour for people to mingle and talk freely.
This indicates that it is more effective for me to work with people in cyberspace than with people in person. I stand alone.
We are now stepping into ideas for the 21st century about how to use cyberspace in a more wholesome way to bring humanity back to traditional family values. The current elite Jewish trajectory is that cyberspace is on a steady course to erode community resulting in more lonely, depressed people and then it gets worse.
The goal is stable and larger families. The goal is hierarchical. The goal is the upward mobility of the human races. Removing the Rothschild, Zionist Talmudic Jewish obstacles to the goal is “half” of the solution. Heaven’s first law is order. Earth’s first law is order. Germans are orderly as well. This is succeed inn Southern Africa in the future, referring to the prophecies of Nicolaas van Rensburg.
NOTE: The previous channelled sentence is left as is. What I was thinking was, “This will succeed in Southern Africa…” but then I thought about Ajahn Chah’s teaching, “Whatever statement you make about the future is not correct unless it expresses uncertainty.” Therefore, the final authority of the channel is what I accidentally typed, due the poverty of my abilities as a channeler. We will have to interpret the meaning of, “This is succeed” and “inn”.
Applied Buddhism
Appropriate the teachings of Ajahn Jayasaro and Ajahn Sona. Both of these Buddhist monks can be found on . Ajahn Jayasaro is a straight shooter. I have been intimate with his mental continuum since 2002. His straightforward logical application of reason is best applied to our lay cultural world. Our monks need less repetition of dhamma teachings avoiding the Jewish question and more innovation with teachings being indirect about encircling Jewish power. Buddhism favours compassion for the whole people of the world.
NOTE: When I wrote the above paragraph, my ego kept getting in the way. I have such a long history with Ajahn Sona and I have tried to protect him by not mentioning him. In the summer of 2014 I felt such a compulsion to tell the truth about the Jewish establishment, on YouTube. I picked the right time, then I burst forth and did it. Just so, I am printing here that Ajahn Sona is my monk with the answers for me. He is the one with the answer. I have gone to him since 2000 and he has pointed out good directions for me, more so than any other person. Real true answers. Ajahn Sona is my Dietrich Eckart. I say that with modesty as I follow the role model of Hitler but I am very little compared to Hitler.
Ajahn Sona, named Tom West, has kept his mouth shut for 64 years, so to speak. He teaches but he is holding back. He knows more. He has told me what I needed to know and then has told me more later, when he saw that I knew more. For example, with the Theravada and Mahayana schism. He is like that with others. I have not gotten to the end of his knowledge and I don’t think anyone else has. As a monk his precepts forbid him from getting too directly involved in politics so he won’t talk openly about the Jewish question and the Rothschild Zionist Talmudists. I believe that all of the questions I ask in my videos could be better answered by him than by my other guests. I feel that if Ajahn Sona applied himself to the questions facing planet earth today, he could channel and provide the world with the answers we really need. It is a matter of placing the right people in the right jobs. We have all that we need to solve the world’s problems.
This bubble is burst now! Hopefully I can go back to not talking about Ajahn Sona much so as to not tarnish with my perceived public image, his well deserved reputation for wisdom. I hope at least a few more years can pass before my channel bursts forth with another embarrassing glare about my teacher.
My channel comes from he eastern top part of my living room wall and it faces directly toward the Birken Forest Monastery where Ajahn Sona lives, 200 miles away. This has gone on for so many years, I can’t remember when it started. I have lived here for 13 years. I wonder if he has been sending me guidance.