Become a Staff Writer

Brian and his staff of dedicated volunteers are always on the lookout for new literary voices to contribute articles and spice-up the offerings on Brian’s main website and the Thule Society’s website.

Brian is primarily interested in publishing articles about one of the following subjects, but all sorts of articles about a countless variety of subjects are also welcome.

Brian Ruhe’s top priorities for the world.

These are my “four noble truths” outlining the top priorities for humanity.

1) The truth about UFOs and aliens: Get the exotic technology to the rest of humanity.

2) The truth about globalist international Jewish power, working for aliens: Topple this strangulating parasite from the Earth.

3) The truth about Adolf Hitler: The world should admit that we were wrong about Hitler, teach the true history, make reparations to the German people, and learn from Hitler’s wholesome example.

4) The truth about ancient advanced global civilizations: Give us our true history to illuminate our culture and give us advances in technology discovered from this.

Submission Guidelines

We request that articles be submitted as the main bodies of email messages as opposed to attached files. Photos can be embedded in the body of the email and screen captured if need be.

We will not read first-time submission articles that are over 7,000 words. We do print articles longer than 7,000 words; however, longer articles will only be viewed if they are submitted by established authors who have previously written articles that made it to publication.

The editorial staff may or may not make changes to articles that are slated for publication, but there is a good chance that we will make edits to the documents we receive. Editorial changes will be shown to the original authors before publication takes place.

Do you have what it takes to write for us?

If you have any ideas for an article or if you have something that you would want to share, then shoot us an email at:

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