Big Picturist on War in Ukraine

Big Picturist on War in Ukraine

This is an email exchange I had today with a couple of friends. I’ll use pseudonyms and post it here as I feel that it shows different levels of perception of the current Russia-Ukraine War.


This formerly obscure YouTuber increased his audience by 100x with a fascinating viewpoint about the Ukraine invasion.

Summary:  Putin made a big mistake.


Thanks for the link. It is a thorough presentation but I think it is too soon to say Putin made a big mistake.

What stands out for me is how avoidable this war was and the almost total lack of a peace initiative. Instead we are sending hundreds of millions in arms and escalating.  Makes me suspicious of what the goal is.  I understand Putin’s motivation and have no doubt that if the U.S. faced similar threats on its border it would react no differently. What I fail to understand is why we didn’t broker peace.  Conceding Crimea and the Donbass region to Russia is no loss since they are predominantly ethnic Russian anyway.  Why fight over it? I think the U.S. doesn’t want peace so much as it wants to weaken and destroy the Russian threat to American hegemony.

What is also striking is the expert narrative control of this conflict in the media, almost certainly only something that can be done with U.S. expertise and guidance. I think a lot of the teenagers Zelensky is sending to fight are going into a situation that is much more dire than they are led to believe. The U.S. seems rather good at getting other people to die for its causes at the expense of others by selling them a narrative they are lead to believe in.

Ukraine is winning the narrative but at this point I tend to think Russia is winning the war. I don’t think Russia’s goal is to take over Ukraine. I think they aim to destroy the Ukrainian military, annex the east, and if they are lucky to facilitate a pro-Russian government in what will remain an independent country.

Here is an interesting article also:

Take care,



Brian Ruhe:


My view on this remains unchanged. I think Putin, Zelensky, the US and Europe and anyone of significance are all working in coordinated harmony together, as globalists. They are all working towards the World Economic Forum’s great reset for the take over and control of the world. I think this war, like the cold war, is not genuine. It is all a big act. You write, “What I fail to understand is why we didn’t broker peace,” but I understand. Everything that is happening logically falls into place from a globalist perspective. A perspective from a lower level of organization doesn’t make sense, as you point out. We also have two centuries of Rothschild history to study, to back up the globalist view, with real evidence.

I’m a big picturist so I refuse to consume my time, studying the details of this. You can consume as much or your time as you want. Please let me know if you find anything that contradicts my view and I will take the time to investigate it. My top three priorities for the world here, encompass this war and a lot more going on in the world.


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