Brian Ruhe’s Personal Henchmen

Brian Ruhe’s Personal Henchmen

Brian Ruhe’s Personal Henchmen

The goal of this society is to follow the direct personal instructions of Brian Anthony Ruhe only – not those of any of his assistants. We are not a secret society. We are a society with secrets.


Firstly, as preparation for WW III, Brian needs practice at getting into fights as he anticipates great suffering for the world in the immediate years ahead. Brian must force himself to confront injustice and he needs the experience of winning some battles, while helping the ETs to led the world.

There are a few guidelines and some absolute rules described below in order of priority.

1) Don’t break any serious laws and keep a sense of humour, with a healthy suspicion for all the rules laid down around you.

2) Be upright, straightforward and gentle in speech, humble, not conceited, contented and easily satisfied, don’t feel burdened by your duties, be frugal in your ways, peaceful and calm and wise and skillful, not proud or demanding in nature.

3) Follow the wisdom of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion and The Art of War.


Brian Ruhe will give you direct, personal instruction either in private or in groups.

We already have completed these two established targets posted on the Brian Ruhe’s website at:



For target 1) our purpose was to topple Pema Chodron’s coup d’etat attempt and for us to re-install the Sakyong, to be our puppet. Our methods were supple and flexible to the situation. This was an easy target due to their vulnerability. Some of our secret agents walked right in off the street and lied to their faces. When they met on Zoom, we joined them on Zoom. This was a training wheels exercise for our new members who were inexperienced at harassing others.

The Sakyong was toppled from power but we exposed the Jews behind it and many Shambhala members are opposed to this take over. This project has come to full stop. Case closed.

2) Glenn Robertson and Loretta Seto targets were successfully hit. This project has come to full stop. Case closed.


Throughout human history henchmen have gotten carried away by stupid emotions. Sometimes a king would order a hit and then forget what he said, months later. The henchmen would go out and kill people- way too many more than the king intended. When objections got back to the king he would say, “What did I say, again?” Then there would be confusion and 100% of the humans involved didn’t even know what the original intention was. Then, that no longer mattered anyhow, as the king had to deal with negative public reaction about all the people his henchmen killed, and so forth…

Due to Brian Ruhe’s quantum dimensional consciousness, we can use him, as he knows the past and he has learned from other people’s mistakes.

3) Contact Brian as new targets arise from month to month.

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