Updated Sept. 15, 2020.
Evidence Mounts That Black Lives Matters Works With Demons
Venerable Paññobhāsa and I made this video
George Floyd – Alleged Systemic Racism and Police Brutality
Later he sent me this article, writing, “Well by golly you may find this interesting:”
Kindness Yoga called out: Weakened by coronavirus, 9 studios close after Instagram campaign exposes rift over race
Also, this is good! Candace Owens gives George Floyd Facts
Candace Owens, a black, conservative commentator and political activist shares facts on George Floyd criminal record and police killing statistics.
Prof. Kevin MacDonald published Culture of Critique and showed that the black civil rights movement of the 1960s was created for Jewish purposes. Recently I suspect that George Floyd’s death was faked but it is another instance in the past 60 years of the globalists or the left manipulating black emotions as tools for their society destroying agenda.
In other news, on Sunday I released this video and I was surprised to get 2,500 hits in one day. That’s the second best first day result i have ever had.
Do Aliens Dominate our Governments? Carolyn Yeager & Pete Papaherakles
Pete Papaherakles and Carolyn Yeager continue with this last section, Part 3. I drew Carolyn into the possibility that aliens are above Jewish power. Pete and I talked about this on previous videos and we both believe this. It’s interesting to hear Carolyn debate with us in this talk!
On June 27th Prof. Ricardo Duchesne posted this essay:
“The Canadian health care establishment is now under the complete control of physicians committed to the principles and policies of Black Lives Matter (BLM). Their ultimate goal is to transform Canada’s long established Western-oriented medical practices in favor of a cultural Marxist conception that suits the racial diversification of the profession, elevates the standing of brown immigrant physicians and marginalizes the very White male population that brought all the medical innovations of the last two centuries and that continues to accomplish the most in medicine…”
Last but not least, please join our Human Rights Vancouver 2020 group as we support Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. She told me that this protest is about opening churches and allowing them to be an essential service. We will be there this Sunday and invite you to come.
3 Responses
Prof. MacDonald is telling it in truth!
I’m sure you are getting video links all the time but there’s a young black man that has interesting views on the George Floyd and other political issues and he is hoping to take YouTube to court over their treatment of his content and donations. His sobriquet is Young Pharoah on the internet.
Thanks for this, Airmid.