Jewish Control Over Buddhism
Shambhala Centre Kicks Brian Ruhe Out
2 September 2020, Updated March 25, 2023
by Brian Ruhe
On Feb. 29, 2020 John Fox at the Vancouver Shambhala Centre told me to leave and never come back. They are a Tibetan Buddhist organization and I started my Buddhist life with them over 30 years ago. You can file a complaint with them or ask questions, by contacting
Tara Templin, Director of Community Care and Conduct at
Their own independent investigation, beyond their members involved in Vancouver, claims that my conduct was “composed”. There was never any issue raised about my behaviour there, over the past 30 years. The reason why they kicked me out is because of the views in my videos, since Shambhala is under Jewish control. This is a powerful and brilliantly researched essay, which explains the big picture, by Andrew Joyce, Ph. D., linked here:
Jewish Crypsis in American Buddhism
On Feb. 14th 2020 at 1:43 pm Sandy Brooks phoned me using Victor Nicolle’s cell phone. I’ve always been particularly fond of Victor since my earliest days in 1991 so maybe that’s why Sandy asked to use his phone. Sandy said that her and Jan Russell have asked that I not attend the Sunday morning meetings because I have posted some pod casts which are anti-Semitic and some people feel uncomfortable. I think she meant the Jewish man, Lawrence. At one of Acharya Susan Chapman’s courses he said that his Jewish family in England was harassed by Nazi’s after WWII, which seems odd since the Germans lost the war. I assume he said that because I was in the room and he was trying to provoke me. I was silent and showed no reaction. I think he is the one who complained to Sandy, who is sitting in the photo below, dressed in black. The reason why I was there with this Jewish fellow was because of heavy snowfall in Feb. 2020. I was taking a weeknight course with Acharya Susan Chapman who sometimes referred to Jewish terminology so she is probably Jewish herself, as she is the senior teacher there. It makes sense for Jewish control to put a Jew in such a position. Because of the snow, Susan asked us to merge with the regular Sunday group to make up the missed class. I had no intention, nor interest in going there on Sundays anyhow, as I had other things to do that day.
So, when Sandy asked me not to come on Sundays I was relaxed and said, “OK, I won’t go on the Sunday mornings if that’s what they want”. I explained, “I was objecting to the elite Jews, like the Rothschilds and I was objecting to their conduct, not their race. I’m not against ordinary Jewish people but I’m opposed to the elite”. I said, “I’m acting out the Bodhisattva vow of compassion for the world as the Rothschilds endanger the whole world and I’m following Chogyam Trungpa’s teaching to be genuine and authentic. The Rothschild bankers control almost every country in the world and they control Canada and I’m speaking out against that, out of compassion”. Sandy said that she appreciated how I felt but I make some people uncomfortable going there on Sunday mornings.
I responded, “But I’m pleasant to everyone there. I treat Jews fine when I’m there, like Dr. Ron Greenberg, who was my doctor (for 17 years).” I asked, “What do the Jews have to do with Buddhism?” Sandy said, “You’ve also denied the Holocaust.” I asked, “What does the Holocaust have to do with this?’ She said, “Some members had family who they lost in the war.” She couldn’t justify her position.
On Shambhala Day, Feb. 29, 2020 I went there and Shastri John Fox kicked me out. He said I was told I can’t come back at all but he was wrong. A shastri is a senior teacher
the Sakyong’s view, shastris should exemplify the fruition of the inward journey of meditation practice and embody goodness, basic goodness. John said they even checked with the police. That really hurt, of course, as I’ve gone there over the past 30 years. How would you feel if you were banished from your spiritual community? This is his photo on the left, when he was wired up for a brainwave test for meditators.
I kept this away from the public until I posted this on my Blog on Sept. 2nd 2020. This is much bigger now. This affects all 140 Shambhala centres worldwide because the issue is, Jewish control over Shambhala has betrayed their religion. I am now working with others to “Make Shambhala Buddhist Again”. On Dec. 24, 2022, I changed this sentence: “This is also the first time I am going public with an open higher realm presence to dissolve Jewish control from Shambhala.” To these two sentences: “I am going public with the statement that I believe that I was probably wrong about my assessment of Jewish power. I believe that the Grey aliens who I am devoted to, are cooperating with Jewish power so now I am backing off, openly confessing to the world, that I am incompetent to know what is going on.” Continuing…
Both sides are above the law as there are no laws regarding the use of higher realm powers. This engagement is now on but I have compassion for the dark side. I want to encourage them to care about Shambhala members and follow the intentions of their founder and current leader and their Kagyu lineage from Tibet.
This is a matter among Buddhists so I asked a higher authority for advice. Venerable Paññobhāsa Mahathera has been a Buddhist monk for about 30 years and his wise advice and counsel is listened to by thousands of people. He took my side and made the first video about this issue with me, here: Jewish Control Over Buddhism – 27 – Brian Ruhe kicked out of Vancouver Shambhala Centre
Below is the documentation of Shambhala Int’l’s conflict with me, in ascending order.
March 25, 2023
Brian Ruhe is halting hostilities with Shambhala. I apologize.
I have completely changed my intentions towards Shambhala International. My closest advisor told me to be indirect about why, because this is hard to believe. But I decided to tell the straight truth and this is it.
I support the intentions of the federation of planets. I don’t know what their relationship is with the Talmudic (Jewish) power structure that controls the human realm. I believe that they want globalization and I suspect that they have decided to work in cooperation with the Talmudists.
The one world religion objective is consistent with the hybridization of humans with Greys, resulting in a spiritually superior new human. Therefore, Jewish control over Shambhala may likely be a step in this process. In light of this, I support the Grey alien agenda for human advancement and I do not want to interfere with these beings, who have my highest respect.
This is the reason why I now realize that I was probably wrong to give grief to Shambhala, since 2020. I now apologize for that. After I made my major announcement on Dec. 4, 2022: I stopped criticizing Jews but I explained that I will leave all of my past videos and posts online, to show how my thinking evolved.
Now I am going even further to explore the higher dimensions of this and to ask the highest level questions and I have been explaining this in many recent videos.
I am open for communication with Shambhala if they are.
Brian Ruhe
Feb. 4, 2023
Mission Accomplished
On my website blog post:
I described the below operation on Shambhala.
Brian Ruhe will give you direct, personal instruction either in private or
in groups.
We already have completed these two established targets posted on the
Brian Ruhe’s website at:
For target 1) our purpose was to topple Pema Chodron’s coup d’etat
attempt and for us to re-install the Sakyong. Our
methods were supple and flexible to the situation. This was an easy
target due to their vulnerability. Some of our secret agents walked
right in off the street and lied to their faces. When they met on
Zoom, we joined them on Zoom. This was a training wheels exercise for
our new members who were inexperienced at harassing others.
The Sakyong was toppled from power but we helped expose the Jews behind it and many Shambhala members are opposed to this take over. This project has come to full stop. Case closed.
Nov. 16, 2023
Pema Chodron Foundation
You can read between the lines in countless well publicized stories, below, printed by the Jewish press for the purpose of their Jewish agenda to help Jewess Pema Chodron work her Jewish agenda to help her fellow Jews in Shambhala, to consolidate power and topple the Sakyong so that they can push out Tibetan control and install Jewish (Talmudic) control over this large western Tibetan Buddhist organization.
Olmsted, President
PO Box 770630
Steamboat Springs,
CO 80477
Rodgers, Vice President
more information about Gampo Abbey:
Bookstore Contact:
Rodgers, Bookstore
(Eastern Time Zone)
Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: |
concerning |
Date: |
Fri, 30 Sep |
From: |
Brian Ruhe |
To: |, |
Tim Olmsted & Margie Rodgers
Pema Chodron Foundation
Hi Tim and Margie,
I am trying to email Pema Chodron and want to ask for your help. I assume that she is so famous that her email address is not public.
I feel that this is important for the reputations of Shambhala Int’l and herself so she should be informed, so that she can decided if she wants to reply or not. I’ll address this email to her.
Dear Pema Chodron,
You wrote a letter to me in 1992 and you accepted my request to come and work at Gambo Abbey. I treasured your handwritten letter! Your No. 2 nun, Ani Palmo visited Vancouver then and I met with her at the Vancouver Shambhala Centre. She recommended that I go and work at Karme-Choling instead, so I did and that decision changed the whole direction of my life.
The Co-Director, Judy Robison didn’t allow me to stay on after six months and I believe that was because I was vocal about my devotion for the Vajra Regent Osel Tendzin. So, my life went in another direction, which is described in my autobiography at
I am writing to you now because you are Jewish. I want to hear your side of a story. I promise not to share or print any reply you give me unless you grant such permission. The same promise goes for Tim Olmsted & Margie Rodgers, if they reply to me.
The issue is described on my website post at . I discovered from Andrew Joyce, Ph.D., that he describes you in his essay, “Jewish Crypsis in American Buddhism” as being Jewish. His essay is posted in my article.
I have made a dozen videos about Jewish Control Over Shambhala in an effort to help our sangha members to, “Make Shambhala Buddhist Again”.
I want to ask you if you are part of a Jewish plan to control Shambhala. Can we correspond on this? I invite you to do a video interview with me as well.
If you would rather not, I promise to drop this whole matter with you and never mention you if you can persuade the Vancouver Shambhala Centre to allow me to come back to meetings there.
I feel bad about contacting you about this matter, because I have always been fond of you, not just because you wrote to me and invited me to live with you at Gampo Abbey, but because of your heart and your teachings, which have uplifted me and millions of other people.
ki ki so so,
Brian Ruhe
They state, “It is a shameful and tragic sadness that in their clumsy attempt to
“move forward” Shambhala plants more seeds of pain and
destruction along the path. Pema Chodron, whose example of
accountability, change and compassion in this situation shows the
true way forward, was not content to standby and support the pretense
of this decision.”
By Jew, Matthew Abrahams
Jew Michelle
Waylon Lewis (I lived with Waylon Lewis at Karme Choling in Vermont in 1992 when he was a teenage dharma brat. He was fun kid! He remembers me.)
“Members of Pema’s cult of Shambhala agree with all this radical
Progressive Left idealogy; because they lit the fire under it, back
in their guru, Trungpa’s 60s’ heydays. Most of these early
students of Trungpa were Marxists. They pray no one learns about
Tibetan “Buddhism’s” institutional ‘secret’
teachings of Tantra; and the Left-infiltrated media has bent
over backwards to ensure their favorite cult and its institutional
sexual abusive teachings are protected.
The Establishment Swamp of Western Tibetan Buddhists, given a big seat at
the table under Obama’s Presidency, has made a fortune with their
Propaganda magazines, like Tricycle, and the Lion’s Roar
(Shambhala’s old Shambhala Sun) keeping all the Western Tibetan and
non-Tibetan Buddhists confused and ‘in line’. This
propaganda news of Buddhist magazines can be found at the Whole Foods
Line. A Pema Chodron “anniversary” copy was on sale last year.
Just before the Sex scandals and her collusion hit the news.
That’s how these groups operate internally. While pretending to address the
abuse. They are the real fanatic fundamentalists and now they have
hooked up with the Utopian cult of the political left. A
dangerous but hidden alliance.”
So, there you have it folks. Pema Chodron is a king pin in the conspiracy.
Sept. 17, 2022 12th video is Shambhala and “Our Friend Adolf”
Sept. 8, 2022 I released this 11th video: Tibetan Buddhist Flag Inspired by Nazi Flag
On Jan. 14, 2022 I recorded this 10th video on the 31st anniversary of me first going to the Shambhala Centre:
Jewish Coup d’etat of Buddhist Leadership
On Dec. 24, 2021 I received the below from my friend John Kaminski, excerpted from
Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar, pp. 152-168. This indicates how wrong Shambhala International is about the relationship between their Tibetan Buddhism and Adolf Hitler. Their founder, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche was wisely pro-Hitler, yet they kicked me out.
Below are profound statements about Adolf Hitler by Carl Jung in early 1939. Jung was the most respected psychologist of all time.
No. 2, 12/22/21
The connections that undoubtedly existed between Hitlerism and Tibet are very mysterious and, until now, have not been fathomed. There was a spiritual bridge set between Berchtesgaden and Lhasa. The proof this was so can be found in the tragic destiny of Tibet, which fell as an independent nation after the physical defeat of Germany. In this world controlled by Jews the destruction of Tibet was accepted internationally, this could not be a coincidence.
The Maestro always used sacred words to refer to sacred matters. Professor C.G. Jung, having to move in the profane world of contemporary science, that of psychology, treated this very theme from a scientific point of view. But he made absolutely extraordinary declarations about Hitler to H. R. Knickerbocker, in an interview published by the Hearst International magazine Cosmopolitan in New York, in January 1939. [ . . .]
Jung said the following:
“Hitler is a spiritual vessel, a semi-deity or even better, a Myth. Mussolini is a man and therefore everything in Fascist Italy has a more human character than in Nazi Germany, where things happen by revelation.
As a man Hitler scarcely exists. In any event he disappears behind the role… I have seen the Duce and the Führer together when on an official visit. I had the good fortune to find myself only a short distance from them and thus I could study them well.
I saw Mussolini looking like a child at the passing of a parade of German soldiers (goose step) and with the passage of the cavalry military band, where the cavalry drummers directed the horses with pressure from their legs alone; Mussolini would use his hands to strike the big drums of his thighs. Mussolini did not hide his aesthetic emotion with the spectacle and, on returning to Italy, introduced the goose step into the Italian Army.
In truth this marching is the most impressive that can be seen… In comparison with Mussolini, Hitler gave me the impression of a frame, a wooden structure covered with clothes, an automaton with a mask, like a robot, or with the mask of a robot. During the entire ceremony of the military parade he never smiled and remained aloof.
He did not show any mark of the human. His expression was inhuman, that of a being with a continuous purpose, with no sense of humour. Hitler seemed the double of a real person as if Hitler the man were within, like an appendage, deliberately hidden so as not to interfere with the mechanism…”
“What an extraordinary difference between Hitler and Mussolini! With Mussolini one feels that one meets with a human being.
With Hitler one is astonished (scared). We know we can never talk with this man, because there is no one there. He is not a man, but a collective. He is not an individual but a whole nation. (A Tulku, in pristine and sacred words).
I accept as literally true that he has no personal friends. Hitler cannot be explained by means of personal contact, as a work of art cannot be explained by the personality of the artist. The great work of art is the result of the entire world in which the artist lives and of the millions of people who surround him and of thousands of currents of thought… Mussolini can find a successor, but I see no one who could replace Hitler… Hitler cannot marry. If he marries he will cease to be Hitler. I do not wonder if he has sacrificed sex-life for the cause.”
All these declarations of Jung are so exceptional we shall have to return to them more than once. Jung continues:
“The true passion of Hitler is Germany. This also means he finds himself ruled by an Idea. The Idea is always feminine. The mind is a woman because the head, the brain, is the creator; mind is like the mother’s womb. The Unconscious of the man is feminine (anima), that of the woman is masculine (animus).”
“Hitler has no personal ambitions. His ambitions go much further beyond those of ordinary people… Hitler’s power is not political: It is magical.
To understand this term it is necessary to know what the Unconscious is. It is the part of our mental constitution over which we have no control, which contains thoughts and even conclusions over which we have no awareness… The secret of Hitler is not that he has a more powerful unconscious, more filled with thoughts and memories than other men. Rather his secret is that his unconscious has an extraordinary access to his consciousness and that it permits him to dominate and move it.
It is like a man who is actively listening to a whispering voice from a mysterious spring-head. And he acts in accord with her. We have too much rationality to obey her. But Hitler hears her and obeys. The true leader is always guided. Hitler himself has referred to his Voice. Therefore he always knows better than his advisers and than the opinions of foreign observers. This is because the information accumulated by his unconscious reaches his consciousness by means of an extraordinary ability that makes it more correct than that of all those who reach different conclusions from his.
Hitler cannot cease to obey his Voice. When he announced the invasion of Czechoslovakia in the Sports Palace the voice of the human Hitler trembles. What man would not feel fear in that instant, on making the decision that could compromise the destiny of millions? Nevertheless the Voice commands him to go forward.
And he must obey her… Hitler is like Mohammed: He is the Messiah of Germany who teaches virtue with the sword. The sword must uphold the spirit of Aryan Germany… The religious character of Hitlerism is put into relief by the fact that the German communities throughout the world have adopted Hitlerism in spite of being so far removed from the power of Berlin.
When Hitler speaks by shouting it happens because he must do so, because through him the Collective Unconscious of his race speaks itself. His voice is, at a minimum, that of seventy or eighty million Germans. He must shout even in private conversation… The Voice he hears is the Collective Unconscious, especially that of the Collective Unconscious of his race, but also of many Englishmen, Frenchmen and even Czechs who feel admiration for him, as well as fear.” [ . . . ]
In the daily The Observer of London in October 1936, Jung wrote:
“German politics is not made, it is revealed through Hitler. He is the Voice of the Gods… Hitler governs by revelations. Hence the hypersensitivity of Germans towards criticism or attacks against their leader. It is a blasphemy for them because Hitler is their Oracle…When Hitler was pressed by other nations not to withdraw from the League of Nations he isolated himself in his retreat for three days and then, with no explanation, said: ʻGermany must withdraw.ʼ This is a revelation.”
“In Germany they now work for the creation of an aristocracy. The SS are being transformed into a caste of knights (like the Teutonic Knights or the Templars) who will govern seventy million Germans… Without the idea of an aristocracy stability is not possible. You, in England, owe the possession of the world to the gentleman.”
As for the possession of Hitler by an Archetype, his analysis is of limitless importance. Jung said: “seemed the double of a real person, as if Hitler, the man were within, like an appendage, deliberately hidden, so as not to interfere with the mechanism.” [ . . . ]
And Goebbels declared, referring to his Führer:
“Who can boast of having seen him as he really is? He moves in the world of the Absolutely Lethal. Nothing else makes sense, neither good nor evil, neither time nor space. That which he is, I am ignorant. Is he really a man? I could not ensure it. There are moments in which he causes me terror…”
So it is. The Hyperborean Archetype chooses the most appropriate intermediaries so that his intervention in this world should be effective. He prepares and presents his machinery. Nothing more apt for the expression of an Archetype of the Aryan Collective Unconscious, to use Jungian terminology, than the people of Germanic race with their “sense of postponement as their dynamic motor.” Hitler himself said it: “If I had found a better people than the German, I would have gone there. With all its limitations, it is the best.”
In ancient terms, in sacred words, those which my Maestro used: This is the coming and incarnation of an Avatar, of a God (to no longer say Archetype), of the Avatar of Vishnu, of Shiva, or, what seems more exact, of Wotan, the Nordic Kristos. Of his arrival in order to work among Vîras, among heroes. [. . .]
The description Jung made of Hitler is that of an empty body. Empty of what? Empty of Hitler, it seems.
“There is no one there!” He said. That was my impression too. But what Jung means cannot be exactly as he says it. It is a literary figure of speech. Because nothing can be completely empty, except a cadaver. That is why a cadaver’s inert matter weighs more than the living, lacking the flatus of the soul, the pneuma that lifts it. A Medium, for example, does not give the impression of being empty, but occupied by another force, or rather possessed. But a Medium and Hitler are two opposite situations, even though they may seem similar.
Is there something in the phenomena of Hitler that can compare with what happened to me? Did someone go out from his body? What happened to his Astral? My Maestro had said: “Hitler cannot only go out into the Astral, but he sees the Astral of others without going out of his physical body.” The Maestro said he once went to the house Hitler was constructing on the top of a mountain in Berchtesgaden, which I have visited many times and whose true name is Gralsburg, Castle of the Grail. Hitler was seated in a room surrounded by windows, watching the mountains and valleys through binoculars. Hitler saw the Maestro arrive and said to him: “Wanderer, continue on your way.” [ . . . ]
Hitler delivered his life, his body, his vehicles to the God Wotan of his ancestors so that He could rise into His Twilight. Thus Hitler was the Führer. He was the Platonic Archetype of this Hyperborean Idea that circulates in the blood of Aryans. He was Wotan. He was the bearer of a Power.
That Hitler was an initiate, or already came initiated, is proven because he could go out of his physical body, could see beings from other worlds. He only needed to put himself into a transcendental state; to retire into the lonely forest or mountain, to hear his Voice, as Jung tells us. Then there was his dreamlike expression, with his otherworldly eyes lost in the beyond, as we can see even in various photographs and as even Jung described him: “A visionary, a kind of Mohammed. The world has never seen the like…”
Miguel Serrano, Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar, pp. 152-168.
9th Video: Bhante G. Varapanno on Shambhala Barring Brian Ruhe from the Premises
8th Video: Shambhala Canada Threatens Brian Ruhe with Six Months in Prison
Subject: | Notice of Prohibition to Enter Vancouver Shambhala Centre (Brian Ruhe) |
Date: | Tue, 16 Nov 2021 14:10:44 +0000 |
From: | Legal Assistant <> |
To: | ‘’ <> |
CC: | Mitch Broughton <> |
Dear Mr. Ruhe:
We represent Shambhala Canada. Please find attached Mr. Broughton’s correspondence to you from today’s date on behalf of our client.
Nicolas Levesque
Legal Assistant
5536 Sackville Street
Suite 700
Halifax, NS B3J 1L1
p: 902-423-6900
f: 902-704-5511
Information contained in this email is confidential and may be privileged. It is intended only for the recipient stated above. If you are not the recipient stated above, any use, dissemination, distribution, publication or copying of the information contained in this email is strictly prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please immediately notify us by telephone at (902) 423-6900 or email at and delete the email from your system.
Thank you for your cooperation.
See PDF, where Shambhala Canada threatens me with six months in prison plus a $2,000 fine!:
Prohibition at Shambhala Brian Ruhe, let to, 2021-11-16
Subject: | RE: Notice of Prohibition to Enter Vancouver Shambhala Centre (Brian Ruhe) |
Date: | Fri, 19 Nov 2021 14:48:29 +0000 |
From: | Mitch Broughton <> |
To: | Brian Ruhe <>, Legal Assistant <> |
Hi Brian,
You were prohibited as it was decided by the owner of the property, which is all that is required for the purposes of the Trespass Act. I understand this is likely not a satisfying answer for you, but I have no other. Thank you for abiding by the Notice. There is nothing further to discuss.
Mitch Broughton
Associate Lawyer
From: Brian Ruhe <>
Sent: November 19, 2021 10:34 AM
To: Mitch Broughton <>; Legal Assistant <>
Subject: Re: Notice of Prohibition to Enter Vancouver Shambhala Centre (Brian Ruhe)
Hi Mitch,
Thank you for explaining the meaning of “With Prejudice” but you didn’t answer my important question.
Why? Your letter does not state why I am prohibited.
On 11/19/2021 5:26 AM, Mitch Broughton wrote:
Hi Brian,
Apologies for my late response it was a very busy week. I am happy to note you will not be attending the Shambhala Centre. “With Prejudice” simply means that if the matter proceeded to court, we would use the letter as evidence. “Without Prejudice” means it is a settlement negotiation, and it is not to be used in court by the other side.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Mitch Broughton
Associate Lawyer
From: Brian Ruhe <>
Sent: November 16, 2021 12:28 PM
To: Legal Assistant <>
Cc: Mitch Broughton <>
Subject: Re: Notice of Prohibition to Enter Vancouver Shambhala Centre (Brian Ruhe)
Hello Mitch Broughton and Nick Levesque,
I have received your letter that I am prohibited from entering the Vancouver Shambhala Centre. I will comply with that so I won’t go there.
Why? Your letter does not state why I am prohibited. At the top you print, “WITH PREJUDICE“. What does that mean?
Please advise,
Brian Ruhe
Email sent Oct 23, 2021 to Tara Templin
Director of Community Care and Conduct
Shambhala International
Hi Tara,
I wrote to your predecessor so I am following up with you. This is concerning the ongoing problem initiated by the Vancouver Shambhala Centre which I describe in eight videos which have received about 10,000 views. This is all at the heading on my website, at:
I am asking you to request that the Vancouver Shambhala Centre allow me to return to meetings. Their reasons for asking me to leave were unjustified. I do not know if John Fox and Geoff Banoff were honest when they said that this was the decision of the Vancouver Shambhala Centre Council. My legal counsel told me that unless I receive a letter saying this, from the Council, then I have the right to go back there. I will, unless I receive such a letter with the names of all the Council members involved. I will give them one month, as I understand it takes time and everyone is a volunteer. After Nov. 23, 2021, I will just drop in and show up, if I don’t get any response. Two people will also come, incognito. They will have their cell phone cameras ready and they will film everything for an Internet video, should the Shambhala members ask me to leave. I, and my people will never get physical. Shastri John Fox told me that they already consulted with the Vancouver City police, about removing me from the premises. We won’t offer any resistance to them either.
I am writing to you, as I feel that you are the appropriate person to approach, Tara.
Also, if you do email back to me, I promise to keep your communications with me private. I give you my word that I will not post them on my website or videos or anywhere else.
Thank you Tara. Please do get back to me at your convenience.
ki ki so so,
Brian Ruhe
Date: | Sat, 23 Oct 2021 19:02:41 -0700 |
From: | Brian Ruhe <> |
To: | Kate Abato <> |
Hi Kate,
It has been a long time since I took your course at the Shambhala Centre. I would like to come back. I noticed your last name is Stein which is Jewish and Jewishness is part of the issue, of my website post, linked below. But I felt that you were a really good person and I could really talk with you. I am sorry that I didn’t state before that if you do email back to me, I promise to keep your communications with me private. I give you my word that I will not post it on my website or videos or anywhere else. I am following up on what is still unresolved with my email below to the Director of Community Care and Conduct. Can I talk with you about this and any teaching you are providing in the future?
Date: | Sat, 23 Oct 2021 19:07:54 -0700 |
From: | Brian Ruhe <> |
To: | John Fox <> |
Hi John,
Date: | Sat, 23 Oct 2021 20:02:03 -0700 |
From: | Brian Ruhe <> |
To: | Geoff Bannoff <> |
Hi Geoff,
Date: | Sat, 23 Oct 2021 20:05:40 -0700 |
From: | Brian Ruhe <> |
To: | Chagdso Ginny Evans <> |
Hi Ginny,
Date: | Sat, 23 Oct 2021 20:08:20 -0700 |
From: | Brian Ruhe <> |
To: | Paul Belserene <> |
Hi Paul,
I miss talking with you at the Shambhala Centre. How are the meetings going, with Covid? Glad they are still being done in person. I hope you are well. Last time I spoke to you, I explained that I came back to Trungpa Rinpoche’s teachings. I am sorry that I didn’t state before that if you do email back to me, I promise to keep your communications with me private. I give you my word that I will not post it on my website or videos or anywhere else. I am following up on what is still unresolved with my email below to the Director of Community Care and Conduct.
Date: | Sat, 23 Oct 2021 20:12:11 -0700 |
From: | Brian Ruhe <> |
To: | Carlos Perez <> |
Hi Carlos,
If you do email back to me, I promise to keep your communications with me private. I give you my word that I will not post it on my website or videos or anywhere else. I am following up on what is still unresolved, with my email below to the Director of Community Care and Conduct.
I discovered this pre-history when I was looking for something else related to Shambhala, in my computer. So, I post it here for you:
December 1, 2014
I met with Shastri John Fox at the Vancouver Shambhala Centre on Dec. 1 and we talked for almost two hours and agreed to meet again. John was open to hear my explanation for why I have contacted the Sakyong and Shambhala International. I appreciate John’s openness and he has met with me before on past Shambhala issues and John has known me for 23 years. I expressed my thanks that from David Brown’s emails from Kalapa Court, we know that the Sakyong has seen my prior video and the Sakyong did reply to my suggestions.
I outlined to John my world view with regard to my practice for 20 years of contemplating upon and perhaps channeling to devas in Tavatimsa heaven. In 2001 I have adapted this practice to connect with the same devas, but a specific group of devas within the first two heavens, which I call the Nazi devas. Only in the past year or so have I really applied myself more thoroughly to this contemplation of the Nazi devas and it has had an empowering effect upon me. I still have the same view that we, as Shambhala practitioners, can tap into this vast power to magnetize our sangha with greater inspiration and strength.
I got emotional and labile, crying when I explained to John how these tapes explained to me my profound experiences at age 17 and age 19 because I am a natural at this kind of practice. “Rose with Thorns” was enough to teach me the mechanical process of how deva invocation works and more importantly, how to recreate the experiment and bring it alive once again. This was always a deep personal mystery to me. I spent decades trying to get that experience back and I actually succeeded with these tapes! That’s what this is all about for me, on a personal level.
John and I had to spend some time differing over the revisionist history of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany as we are obviously aware of how negatively they are perceived by 95% of the population. He asked me the same question that Acharya Susan Chapman did about the concentration camps and I gave him the same evidence that the reason why people were so skinny and starving was because allied bombing from January to April of 1945 cut off the supply lines and there was starvation all over the place, not just in the concentration camps. They were work camps, not extermination camps. I maintain a revisionist view that Hitler and the Nazis were good people defending their country from an unjustified allied attack to completely destroy their way of life. John held to the conventional view of Nazi Germany which we all know, but he was open to looking at the attached evidence which I had sent to him previously.
The big block of communication between me and Shambhala is the view on Hitler and the Nazis. If Shambhala realized that the Nazis were good… better than the allies, then that could change their attitude to channeling to Nazi devas. But even then, public rejection would still likely prevent any such secret practice anyhow. I get that.
John Fox held that Trungpa Rinpoche did not approve of Hitler in any way. I maintain that from the evidence in the “Rose with Thorns” tapes, Trungpa Rinpoche did not have a conventional view of Hitler because he regarded Hitler as a “medium” and “a master of the higher realms”. Certainly most people don’t regard Hitler as having these spiritual capacities which Trungpa Rinpoche believed that Hitler did in fact posses. I rest my case with the plain testimony of the Vajra Regent and the Dorje Loppon in “Rose with Thorns.” When I first heard this in 1994, I thought Hitler was some psycho dictator and his own people lived in fear of him and I was startled that Trungpa Rinpoche could even speak about Hitler’s spiritual capacities! I was plainly shocked and confused. Because of my deep respect for my guru, it was Trungpa Rinpoche himself who initiated me into 20 years of study into Adolf Hitler. See my 1999 book with the Hitler chapter 13 in Freeing the Buddha. )
John asked me if I believed that I knew what Trungpa Rinpoche felt about Hitler better than his own son did! I replied, “No. I’m not saying that. I’m saying that I don’t know what the Sakyong or other Shambhala members truly believe about Hitler based upon the emails that I receive from them. This is because I assume that they can’t be forthright in expressing themselves fully and honestly because I am an outsider. From their perspective, they don’t know who I’m going to show their emails to and they can’t afford to be associated in anyway with Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. I think that’s obvious.”
So, this is another big block we have in our communication. I don’t know if you secretly believe that I am correct in my view. I do accept that even though Trungpa Rinpoche had a deep and profound understanding of Hitler’s higher realm powers, most Shambhalians still have a more superficial, conventional view, about the violence of the Nazis. The least I can do is try to rectify this by stating that there is an abundance of evidence which anyone can find on the Internet, without my assistance, that proves that we have all been given monstrous lies about Hitler and the National Socialists, for our entire lives.
I trust Shastri John Fox and I hope he takes some time to look at the revisionist history of WW II and he can get back to me whenever he is ready. This is good. It is good that we are communicating and John asked me not to associate Shambhala with myself nor my views on Hitler and the Nazis. I agreed to this and I pointed out to John that I promised Martin Evans at the Vancouver Shambhala Centre in 1999 that I would not reveal to the public the “Rose with Thorns” source of my deva invocation practice.
I have already shown good faith for these 15 years and even for 20 years, going back to first contact in 1994, by not telling the public that I received these teachings from Shambhala International. So this has not changed. I told John that the public associates me with Thai Theravada Buddhism so they would generally assume that because I am constantly quoting the cosmology of Theravada Buddhism, that the Theravada is my source. You’ve got nothing to worry about.
My correspondence remains confidential with Shambhala and I have shown that I can be trusted. John asked me if there was anything else that I needed to know from them and I responded that yes, maybe I will have questions about cosmology or the dralas because I didn’t go through the levels of Shambhala training, past Level 5 and in 1999 I was refused permission to go further. For now this email is long enough so I can stop here.
With heart,
Brian Ruhe
On April 8, 2021, I made this seventh video about Shambhala:
Holocaust Experts Question Why Does Shambhala Buddhism Kick Out “Deniers”?
This video was made Feb. 23, 2021.
Did the Jews Within Shambhala Topple Their Leader The Sakyong?
Written statements to Shambhala Care and Conduct
Subject: |
preparing for launch date |
Date: |
Fri, 14 Aug 2020 07:37:19 -0700 |
From: |
Brian Ruhe <> |
To: |
Kristen Mullen <>, Dan Peterson <> |
The reason why I haven’t gone public yet is not because I’m such a nice guy or that I am waffling. It’s because I’m busy with higher priority matters which you can see as the recent videos posted on The Brian Ruhe Show. You people are a nuisance to me. The Jewish world will not care about some tiny Buddhist group that most people never heard of. Therefore, they won’t bother to retaliate against me.
I’m writing today to protect Kristen. Dan Peterson is untouchable. The reason why I know this is because of Dan Peterson’s eye contact when he did the Zoom with me. He’s honest. He’s good. Dan is protected. Kristen showed hesitation, uncertainty and a bit of worry in her eyes. Kristen is the one responsible for replacing the Cythia MacKay contact and she has failed to do so… and time is running out.
Here’s my point: I can’t control the higher realms. There is no self so I’m not even sure that I initiated this karmic process. If fact, looking back since July 24, 2014 I can now see a pattern indicating that Brian Ruhe is an instrument for the higher realms and I will probably never know who they are. I just responded to inspirations that came through me in those present moments. I didn’t have “a plan”.
Even if I am responsible for all that I initiated since 2014, at this time, I deliberately asked the higher realms to do my bidding with regard to pushing out Jewish power from Shambhala. I caused other human beings to chant with me for this aspiration as well. But, once my part is done, I am not in control. Not only that, I am not even aware of the results of the process unless I do a conventional investigation to see what happened, to whom.
This is about Kristen. I care about all beings. I assume that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson didn’t want to kill anybody but King George didn’t cooperate with them. They had to start the American Revolution in order to save more lives, than the ones they took. I’m worried about what’s going to happen to Kristen if she doesn’t get through to Shambhala Int’l and get someone to contact me. Kristen could at least give me a name and email address. A phone number would be super kind of her, too. She’s got to hold her end up or she is in a similar position to Cynthia MacKay. Right after The Brian Ruhe Show Group made the decision to act, and after we did our deva invocation practice, and after I lead the appropriate chants, bing! Cynthia MacKay “is no longer employed by Shambhala”.
I don’t feel good about this nuisance. I’m not happy about doing this. I don’t want Kristen to be disturbed in her life but the point is, I am not in control. It’s not up to me. Back around 2002 or 2003 I met with my teacher, Ajahn Sona and we were talking about my use and my wife’s use, of the higher realms, back then. I was married then, to a Thai shaman, Pia Ruhe, who was the real deal. East Indian women would pay her money to get their husbands back, after they took off and I witnessed her successful accomplishment of this, before my own eyes. Pia taught me a few things and we divorced on good terms. Ajahn Sona told me, “Look Brian, when you use these kinds of spirits it’s like hiring the mafia to protect your business. You give them a 10% cut and you’re happy and it works out fine. Then later, the trouble is gone and you decide you don’t need to hire them anymore. But you find they keep coming back and they want their cut. You’re pressured into keeping up the relationship… and then they’ve got you. You’re not in control anymore.”
I’m not reckless with the higher realms. Even in my first higher realm confrontation involving Dale Trimble at the Vancouver Shambhala Centre in the fall of 1998, I told the then, Pia and Brian Ruhe group of five of us (and Pia was the person they were all coming to see), “Using higher realm powers is like using nuclear weapons. It’s best to practice the utmost restraint.” As a 38 year old junior Buddhist practitioner I was conservative in nature and I’m even more conservative today.
Anyhow, my current plan is that I have to make a few phone calls to Vancouver Shambhala members as part of the revelation of the method, before I can go public to defend Shambhala members from their Jewish overlords. Plus, if Kristen drops the ball there are people at Shambhala Int’l that I must attempt to contact. Then, as far as I am aware, I will be ready for launch date.
After that, I am not in control of what is unleashed upon Shambhala.
ki ki so so
This is the second video I made about about this conflict:
Pirate Radio – Shambhala Bars Brian Ruhe but Tibetans Like Hitler
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: | Re: Cynthia MacKay is gone |
Date: | Mon, 10 Aug 2020 21:52:47 -0700 |
From: | Brian Ruhe <> |
To: | Kristen Mullen <> |
Hey Kristen,
Thank you kindly! I do appreciate you getting back to me. There hasn’t been much communication in a while so I am pleasantly impressed that you responded.
With heart,
Hi Brian,
I don’t know who, or if there will be a successor for Cynthia’s position. The I find out I will let you know.Kristen
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: | Cynthia MacKay is gone |
Date: | Fri, 7 Aug 2020 22:45:17 -0700 |
From: | Brian Ruhe <> |
To: | Dan Peterson <> |
Hi Desung Dan,
Below is my email exchange with Cynthia MacKay. She has left Shambhala so please let me know who is replacing her and who to deal with next.
Thanks Dan,
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: | Re: that’s fine |
Date: | Thu, 6 Aug 2020 10:53:40 -0700 |
From: | Cynthia MacKay <> |
To: | Brian Ruhe <> |
None of that is true. Please do not contact me again. Dan and Kristen are your contact people.
(Cynthia MacKay)
On Aug 6, 2020, at 9:31 AM, Brian Ruhe <> wrote:That’s fine Cynthia,
I just need to state that weeks before you left the employ of Shambhala, I informed Desungs Kristen and Dan that this was already a higher realm matter so I feel that the higher realms applied pressure upon you as you were the highest link in the hierarchy to be subjected to the dralas and devas. That’s why you left Shambhala. Is that your perception as well?
Also, can you give me a name of who is your successor, whom I can contact?
Thank you kindly,
On 8/5/2020 8:09 PM, CYNTHIA MACKAY wrote:Hi Brian,I no longer work for Shambhala, my last day was July 15th, please don’t contact me again.Cynthia
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: |
I’m asking for a response from you and from Shambhala International |
Date: |
Wed, 5 Aug 2020 18:39:08 -0700 |
From: |
Brian Ruhe <> |
To: |
Cynthia MacKay <> |
Desungs Rev. Kristen Mullen and Dan Peterson have been in touch with you about me and Dan’s statement about that is below, along with some relevant emails. I request that the Vancouver Shambhala Council reverse their policy and allow me to join their sangha. There’s still time to do this.
Too much time has gone by without you communicating with me so we assume that you and your associates have decided to ignore me. That was a mistake on your part. I am now required to try to contact at least one more person in the hierarchy as you shouldn’t bear the responsibility for what happens to the entire mandala nor should you be trusted with the decision to ignore Brian Ruhe and affect the future of the organization. I will try to get a response from someone else but you could help by referring me to someone. I would like the Dorje Loppon Lodro Dorje.
I assume you know the situation so I will continue as though you do. If you want more of a paper trail of what has happened since Feb. 2020, I will send it, if you ask.
The revelation of the method requires that I inform Shambhala int’l of what we will do to it, before we do it. Here’s the plan:
1) On the full moon of Aug. 3 our first higher realm defense was launched against Jewish Control Over Shambhala. The higher realms will be continuously invoked in this effort until Jewish Control Over Shambhala is relinquished. This includes the support and conscious assistance given to us by Shambhala Int’l dralas and devas.
2) I will release at least five new videos explaining Jewish Control Over Shambhala.
3) We will film video/s right in front of the Vancouver Centre.
4) We are striving towards freeing Shambhala members everywhere from another religion taking over Shambhala Buddhism. We are Shambhala supporters and members working to support other Shambhala members from within the Shambhala International organization. We remain loyal always to Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and to the Sakyong.
5) We will spend money to spread this truth on social media and Buddhist chat groups.
6) I will abort this path of action at any time that my requests are granted.
ki ki so so,
Brian Ruhe…
Skype: brianaruhe
This is the third video I made about these issues: Shambhala International Expels Tibetan Buddhists Who Deny the Holocaust
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Subject: |
Time’s up |
Date: |
Fri, 31 Jul 2020 09:49:21 -0700 |
From: |
Brian Ruhe <> |
To: |
Kristen Mullen <>, Dan Peterson <> |
Hi Desungs Kristen and Dan,
I found out that I have got to act on the full moon of Monday Aug. 3rd. You have that long to get Cynthia MacKay or someone else to respond…………
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: |
Time’s up |
Date: |
Fri, 31 Jul 2020 09:49:21 -0700 |
From: |
Brian Ruhe <> |
To: |
Kristen Mullen <>, Dan Peterson <> |
Hi Desungs Kristen and Dan,
I found out that I have got to act on the full moon of Monday Aug. 3rd. You have that long to get Cynthia MacKay or someone else to respond.
The public will not be aware, on the full moon, of my actions as that is still just higher realm. You still have time to do the right thing. If you don’t respond I will, very shortly after that, release videos explaining Jewish Control Over Shambhala and how we are striving towards freeing Shambhala members everywhere from another religion taking over Shambhala Buddhism. We are Shambhala members working to support other Shambhala members from within the Shambhala International organization. We remain loyal always to Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche and to the Sakyong.
Even after I release my public videos I offer to take them down if the Vancouver Shambhala Centre reverses their policy and allows me to go to their centre.
As always, this is your karma, your choice.
ki ki so so,
Brian Ruhe
——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: | follow up about Shambhala Int’l |
Date: | Wed, 22 Jul 2020 12:29:16 -0700 |
From: | Brian Ruhe <> |
To: | Kristen Mullen <>, Dan Peterson <> |
Hi Desung Rev. Kristen Mullen,
I’m following up with you since we last met on July 6th. I haven’t heard back from you nor Cynthia MacKay so please let me know when there is expected to be a response or I’ll be asking why the delay, and I’ll have more to say. I had a good feeling about you and Dan Peterson. You can tell a lot about a person in less than five minutes, right? I feel a bit sad that I have added a burden upon your shoulders. This is nothing personal, obviously.
To review our last talk, below is a summary of some of the things I said to you.
Since 1994, Bob Bergal from Shambhala initiated me into higher realm practice with “Rose with Thorns”. My devas are Sakka and the four great kings but only in Dec. 2019 did I receive the conviction that these are the same at the Shambhala dralas and Rigden Kings.
I have bigger fish to fry, such as my concern about a WW III and the world. I would rather not consume my time revealing the truth about Shambhala’s problems.
Better to allow me at the Vancouver Shambhala Centre (VSC) or we have crossed a line. This is a big issue which affects all the Shambhala Centres. VSC started the conflict, not me. If I am treated unfairly, this becomes a higher realm issue. It’s already a higher realm issue. I would have to go public and tell the world the truth about Jewish control over Shambhala. I am not alone and there is no self so what will happen is that I will be an instrument for the Shambhala dralas and devas. Other Buddhists, both Theravadin and Shambhala and other Tibetan traditions, will join me and I will be a catalyst for activism to “Make Shambhala Buddhist Again”, instead of Jewish.
Once the truth is out and more and more people learn it, it will take on a life of it’s own beyond myself and be much more costly for the Jewish side of the Shambhala administration, to do damage control. The best way for Shambhala to deal with these kinds of problems is to prevent them from happening in the first place. If I agree to keep my mouth shut, you should grant me some privileges.
I’m relaxed about talking to the other side, to the enemy. There’s things I can’t say to my own people that I can be open about with the Jews. There’s no need for me to hide information when I’m talking with you. I have an affinity for the enemy that only a few can understand.
I have higher realm protection. I have been making these videos since March 17th, 2013 and no one is bothering me.
I had a powerful dream I awoke from at 2:00 am July 12th. It was about a surprising conflict but I was unemotional in and after the dream. I’ve studied dream interpretation and I think it was a signal from the dralas that I will be successful if I go public regarding Shambhala Int’l being under the control of the Jewish establishment. My mother was in the dream and the mother image means it is about your intuition and trusting in it. It was a message encouraging me to take the step ahead.
This email is an attempt to give you a chance to prevent this.
ki ki so so,
Brian Ruhe
cc: Desung Dan Peterson
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: |
Re: C&C complaint |
Date: |
Mon, 29 Jun 2020 20:57:29 -0700 |
From: |
Brian Ruhe <> |
To: |
Dan Peterson <> |
CC: |
Kristen Mullen <> |
Hi Dan and Kristen,
You wrote that, “Whether the decision to ask you to leave was well founded or not is something the Care and Conduct Panel can not address, and for that reason we have referred this matter to Cynthia MacKay.” I don’t understand that. I thought it was your Panel’s job to decide on that.
But it’s fine if you referred the matter to Cynthia MacKay. Is she going to contact me or are you going to give me her contact info? I would like to discuss this with you, Kristen. Should we use Zoom , Skype or phone or what? I have my own Zoom. My Skype is brianaruhe and my phone 604-738-8475. It seems likely this will go to the next level, which will require a decision by Cynthia MacKay or someone higher.
Thanks Dan. I believe that you have been sincere and genuine.
Brian Ruhe
On 2020-06-29 8:30 a.m., Dan Peterson wrote:
Dear Brian,
My apologies for the delay getting back to you. So the following is the information that I have:
Cynthia MacKay has contacted some members of the Vancouver, B.C. Shambhala Center. She has not relayed to me any specific information about how she is proceeding, but I was happy to hear that she has stepped forward here.
The International Care and Conduct Panel has decided that the complaint you made does not describe misconduct that falls within our responsibility to address. Mr. Fox was acting at the behest of the Vancouver Shambhala Council, so his request for you to leave the Center on Shambhala Day, though upsetting to you, can not be regarded as misconduct on his end. The issue of whether the Vancouver Center can bar someone from their premises is not in question – Centers have the authority to determine that, and in fact occasionally this does occur. Whether the decision to ask you to leave was well founded or not is something the Care and Conduct Panel can not address, and for that reason we have referred this matter to Cynthia MacKay.
I have taken the liberty of including Kristen Mullen on this e-mail. She is the Regional Desung Commander for the Garuda Region, which extends from Alaska to Southern California, and includes Vancouver, B.C. She has agreed to be available to you if you would like as a representative from Shambhala to discuss this matter.
The Care and Conduct Panel is closing this case. If you have concerns about this decision on our end you may appeal this, as described in the policy.
Dan Peterson, Desung Care and Conduct Officer
For the International Care and Conduct PanelThis is the 4th video I released about my ongoing issue with Shambhala Int’l ignoring me: Shambhala International Teaches that Adolf Hitler was a Master of the Higher Realms
To: Dan Peterson, Desung Care and Conduct Officer
emailed June 3, 2020
for the International Care and Conduct Panel
Dear Dan,
Thank you kindly for getting back to me soon. This is the written statement you asked for, with it also attached so it’s easier to read than an email.
Since I left the Vancouver Shambhala Centre to work at Karme-Choling in 1992 I haven’t gone there regularly until Nov. 13th, 2019. Prior to that I went there a few times a year, such as on April 4th. Last November I continually went there once or more a week. It wasn’t an issue when it was so infrequent before. I was controversial since 1998 when I published my book, Freeing the Buddha, and I switched to Theravada Buddhism and I criticized the authenticity of the Mahayana. In 2019 Ven. Pannobhasa convinced me that I was wrong because the Pali suttas are also largely later writings so I went to the Shambhala Centre and personally apologized to many members plus I made a public apology in a video. They were fine about that but I didn’t realize that that was not their problem with me.
Sandy Brooks’ phone call
On Feb. 14th at 1:43 pm Sandy Brooks phoned me using Victor Nicolle’s cell phone. I’ve always been particularly fond of Victor since my earliest days in 1991 so maybe that’s why Sandy asked to use his phone. Sandy said that her and Jan Russell have asked that I not attend the Sunday morning meetings because I have posted some pod casts which are antisemitic and some people feel uncomfortable. I think she meant the Jewish man Lawrence. At one of Acharya Susan Chapman’s courses he said that his Jewish family in England was harassed by Nazi’s after WWII, which seems odd since the Germans lost. I think he is the one who complained to Sandy.
I said, “OK, I won’t go on the Sunday mornings if that’s what they want”. I explained, “I was objecting to the elite Jews, like the Rothschilds and I was objecting to their conduct, not their race. I’m not against ordinary Jewish people but I’m opposed to the elite”. I said, “I’m acting out the Bodhisattva vow of compassion for the world as the Rothschilds endanger the whole world and I’m following Chogyam Trungpa’s teaching to be genuine and authentic. The Rothschild bankers control almost every country in the world and they control Canada and I’m speaking out against that, out of compassion”. Sandy said that she appreciated how I felt but I make some people uncomfortable going there on Sunday mornings.
I responded, “But I’m pleasant to everyone there. I treat Jews fine when I’m there, like Dr. Ron Greenberg, who was my doctor.” I asked, “What do the Jews have to do with Buddhism?” Sandy said, “You’ve also denied the Holocaust.” I asked, “What does the Holocaust have to do with this?’ She said, “Some members had family who they lost in the war.” She couldn’t justify her position. I said, “Well sometimes a member might get drunk at a party but they can still come back, right?’ Sandy said, “If someone gets drunk they can just send them home in a cab but your views are offensive to some people so Jan and I request that you don’t come to the Sunday mornings”. I replied, “Well, Jan’s husband Bob is very friendly to me. He likes having me there. And I brought Jan there 20 years ago. She wouldn’t even be there if it wasn’t for me”. Bob is part Jewish.
Sandy Brooks responded, “Well, that’s neither here nor there”. But the Buddha taught that three people should be remembered, the one who introduced you to the path, the one who established you on the path and the one who led you to a deeper insight. I have taught Buddhism to 15,000 people in adult ed. courses for 20 years and I introduced Jan and Bob to the centre from my course in 1999. They have been stalwart volunteers and I feel some betrayal by Jan, not Bob. I have always spoken well of the Shambhala Centre. Even though I am a Theravada Buddhist, I brought many people there.
The Shambhala Centre should be a place for peace and meditation. I leave politics and history outside the door when I’m there. So should others. I am low key. What if a white liberal person said they felt uncomfortable with another person there who had a blog supporting the Conservative Party? Would they ask a conservative to not appear on Sunday mornings? Where do you draw the line? What matters is my conduct. Both in person and online I am respectful of Shambhala and it’s principles.
I felt disturbed by this and as soon as I heard Sandy’s voice on the phone at my home I assumed she was going to say something like that or that I couldn’t even come to the Shambhala Centre at all. In fact, I was relieved that she said just the Sunday mornings. I continue to be bothered and offended by this and I am strategizing my response. I feel a tiny clique want me to go away but the vast majority of members like me or don’t know me. Geoff Banoff was fine with me going to his many open houses which was the second to last time I was there.
An hour after Sandy’s phone call I invoked the higher realms and determined to forge on. As the Buddha said, “As the elephant endures the shafts of battle, I will endure harsh words”. The law of karma supports me and it will turn against the Shambhala members who act against me. This happened in 1998 when they tried to get me fired from my Buddhist teaching jobs. Dale Trimble met with me. They lost. I won. And they remember it. That is another story. Some of them might realize who they are dealing with. Most don’t.
Shambhala Day Feb. 29Th, 2020
About 10:00 am I went to the Vancouver Shambhala Centre with some ham & cheese as well as egg wraps for their pot luck lunch. I was hesitant about going that morning because I knew only a minority of members there objected to my presence. I didn’t want that to stop me so decided to go. It was Shambhala’s New Year Day, the biggest Day of the year. I made eye contact with Kate Abato and said Hi. Ginny Evans and I looked at each other with a smile and shared greetings. I haven’t talked to Ginny in years. She’s an old friend and teacher who turned against me because of our Theravada/Mahayana differences. I had a pleasant greeting with Dale Trimble. I said, “Hey Dale, I haven’t seen you in years! Your looking very well”. “So are you,” he said. Dale was the one who was elected to meet with me in the fall of 1998.
I was a bit surprised there were only about 15 people there. As I walked towards the shrine room were everyone sits I could see John Fox’s eyes glued to me. I entered the room and gave the customary bow, then decided to deliberately sit beside John. I saw Bob Russell at the back. His wife Jan Russell was sitting by the window. I didn’t make eye contact with them but Jan and Sandy Brooks asked me not to go to the Sunday morning meetings. I walked to the end of the cushions and sat beside John which was conspicuous as there were mostly empty cushions everywhere. I sat and watched the computer screen as we were all expecting to watch the Shambhala Day address from the head office in Halifax.
I began to meditate and wait. Then, John leaned over to me and whispered, “Do you realize there are some people here who are uncomfortable with you being here?” I whispered back, “Yeah, some of them. I know”. John continued, “Could we talk about it outside?” I said, “Sure”. John was the one that the Shambhala Centre sent to deal with me when there were concerns in the past and I like John and wanted to talk with him. He is the one I preferred to meet with in a situation like this. So, I walked out of the shrine room and what I was planning at that moment was to lead John into the smaller meditation room because I wanted to engage him in a longer conversation and I assumed he might not want to talk for as long as I wanted. I took control of the situation. I asked John if he wanted to sit on a cushion and he said he would sit in a chair. I took a chair and sat with an empty chair between us.
John Fox explained that some people felt uncomfortable with me being there and he referred to Sandy Brooks’ phone call to me on Feb. 14th. I said, “When Sandy called me she said that she and Jan Russell didn’t want me to come on Sunday mornings because there was someone who felt offended by me so I agreed not to come on Sunday mornings.” John said, “That’s not true. And we’ve talked to others and to the police”. So, I realized that John was misinformed. What I said was true and what John said was not true. John believed that Sandy Books phoned me and told me not to come to the Shambhala Centre at all. Sandy Brooks knows for sure that this is not true. There was no ambiguity in her words nor mine.
So John Fox continued on saying that I shouldn’t be there. I said, “Well, they can use Chogyam Trungpa’s teachings to deal with their projections about me. I talked with a Buddhist monk in Australia about this and he said, “They’re afraid of you at the Shambhala Centre, Brian” so I understood that the Shambhala Centre doesn’t want to be publicly associated with me. I agree to that. I wrote to Geoff that I won’t discuss my comings and going here on my Internet talk show. As far as the public is concerned I’m a Theravada Buddhist and they don’t know that I come here. It’s best to keep this private. I agreed to not come on Sunday mornings but I was just at Geoff’s talk last Wednesday and that was no problem”. John asked me to go and I said, “So you mean you don’t want me to come back at all.” He nodded and I said, “Well, I have been coming here over the past 29 years so that’s a long relationship. And this is my home centre where it all started for me.” John said, “Brian, I don’t want to get into a long discussion”.
I planned for this moment and I said, “I anticipated this meeting now so I’m going to tell you what will happen. I would like to talk with two members of the Shambhala Centre. I’ll go but I would like to talk with them within three days”. John looked like he just wanted to get rid of me. His body language was that he started getting up to open the door. So, he didn’t give me enough time to say what I planned to say but I said this much. “I work with the dralas and the devas associated with the Vancouver Shambhala Centre and I’m protecting Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche”. John wasn’t stopping to discuss this further. He stood at the door and I continued to hold my seat and I repeated, “Could I talk to someone in the next 72 hours?” John said, “Yes” with an uncooperative look on his face and he avoided eye contact, looking north. I said, “OK. I’ll go”.
I slowly and mindfully walked out of the room and sat down and laced my shoes and put on my yellow jacket and grey hat. John stood solid in front of me, staring north, avoiding eye contact. I kept a calm, straight face throughout and slowly paced out the door with a couple of people in the kitchen watching me leave.
I was there from 10:00 am to 10:20 am
This did bother me for a few days but it passed. I say the most controversial things online so I accept that some people are not going to want to have me around. I have brought this upon myself. Regardless of whether or not I am right or wrong, some people are afraid of being associated with me because they feel it could damage their reputation. This I have to accept. The extent to which the members are innocently fearful of their association with Brian Ruhe, they are forgiven and they don’t have any negative karma in keeping me away. The extent to which there is an int’l Jewish conspiracy to keep me away is their negative karma and the Vancouver Shambhala Centre dralas and devas are unhappy about that. Those devas will do what they want to do about it and I may or may not know about what they do, in the future.
John didn’t call me on time so four days later I sent him the email below.
This is the fifth, as promised, video I released about Shambhala:
Communist Jews in China Ruined Tibet but Control Tibetan Shambhala Buddhism Today
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: |
Hi John |
Date: |
Wed, 4 Mar 2020 15:29:25 -0800 |
From: |
Brian Ruhe <> |
To: |
John Fox <> |
Hi John,
When we last met on Feb. 29th you said that you or someone else from Shambhala would call me within three days. It has been four days now. Perhaps you didn’t have my phone number. It is 778-232-2282. I think a few days is good as we have both had time to relax about it and have a balanced view. I continue to care about Shambhala and I go along with the rules. So please give me a call anytime.
Below is beginning of the next email. The rest is two pages long but I can send it if you want.
——– Forwarded Message ——–
Subject: |
clarifying what you and Sandy Brooks said to me |
Date: |
Fri, 6 Mar 2020 07:20:19 -0800 |
From: |
Brian Ruhe <> |
To: |
John Fox <> |
Hi John,
I still haven’t heard from you as you promised. You had misinformation about what Sandy Brooks said to me so I am giving you my record and notes of my conversations with her and you, below so you can get back to me, thanks. I think that this is something we can settle to my satisfaction privately with the Vancouver Shambhala Centre (VSC) without contacting Halifax. I don’t intend to go public and inform the 2,000 people who listen to me everyday on the Internet…
I wrote to him again on May 17th. Still no answer. You can have that email too, if you want. After employing the Buddhist tradition of asking three times, I wrote to you.
So, that is my written statement. My understanding is that there was misconduct by Shastri John Fox mainly but also by Sandy Brooks and Jan Russell. My understanding of the harm that they caused is that they banished me, after 29 years, from the Vancouver Shambhala Centre for a minor reason that is not about Shambhala Buddhism.
I await your response.
Thank you kindly,
Brian Ruhe
This is a copy and paste below, from this website’s Blog entry which parallels this section:
2 Responses
I am proud of you for taking a principled stand against Shambala. The holocaust is a monstrous lie and I am glad that you did not back down from the truth.
It is a tragedy that Shambala is now under Jewish control, especially since Trungpa Rinpoche was a ardent supporter of Hitler. How utterly hypocritical. I am completely disgusted with the people who found that your presence made them feel uncomfortable. They are nothing more than sheep.
As a historical footnote, the holocaust was started by a lie from Stalin and then immediately propagated by the Jewish-owned New York Times.
The truth is that the allies bombed Germany relentlessly in the final months of the war thereby destroying all supply lines and warehouses. This caused severe food and medical shortages in the camps. The deaths were caused by a severe outbreak of Typhus, a disease well-known to be associated with war and malnutrition.
Since the German leadership was imprisoned at the end of the war, there was simply no one who could challenge the infamous New York Times narrative.
These facts are all carefully omitted from the history books.
Brave people, like Ernst Zundel, have extensively researched the holocaust and exposed countless inconsistencies. Yet he was jailed in Germany for five years for holocaust denial.
Since when is a law required to protect the truth? Laws are used to protect and propagate lies. The truth does not need laws to protect it.
But worse still is the fact that this narrative has been used to extract billions of dollars in reparations from the German people for something that they did not do and could not prevent. Even Norman Finkelstein, whose opinions I respect, has spoken out against the Jewish “holocaust industry”.
Shambala should be a spiritual organization and not a Jewish-controlled organization making political decisions.
Trungpa Rinpoche himself would be completely appalled by this decision of the organization that he founded.
You got it right, Stephen! “To find out who rules over Shambhala, see who you’re not allowed to criticize”.
This is just the beginning of a long term awakening within our Shambhala community. Some of their members have already contacted me and are relieved that I broke this ice.***
This is the sixth video about Shambhala made Oct. 21, 2020:
Venerable G. Varapanno Blames Shambhala Int’l for Kicking Out Brian Ruhe
Update Nov. 20, 2020
Shambhala Int’l has recently updated their code of conduct and posted it on their website at:
It is long, so below I have copied parts that are relevant to Shambhala being grossly unjustified in their decision to bar me.
The Shambhala Code of Conduct, 2021
4. Policy on Diversity, Inclusivity & Anti-Discrimination
1. Why have a Diversity, Inclusivity and Anti-Discrimination Policy in Shambhala?
Shambhala is an international community and includes people of different cultures, languages, ethnicities, races, genders, gender identities or expressions, sexual orientations, ages, socio-economic statuses, countries of origin, nationalities, citizenship statuses, native languages, sizes, religious beliefs, spiritual practice, political beliefs, and physical, mental, and perceptual abilities.
In recognizing that we cannot avoid bringing dominant group social dynamics from society at large into Shambhala, it is our aspiration that as a community we become more aware of our blind spots and make the personal and organizational advances that create greater access to the teachings. Each individual has the right to practice, study and work in Shambhala in an environment that is free from discrimination rooted in bias.
2. To whom does the Diversity, Inclusivity and Anti-Discrimination Policy apply?
2.1 Scope and application: The policy applies to everyone who is present and engages in any activity associated with Shambhala in person or online, regardless of where the activity occurs.
Diversity 20 recognizes the uniqueness of individuals, populations, groups and their perspectives and experiences. This is not an exhaustive list.
2.4.2 Inclusivity: A conscious and deliberate decision to continuously work towards the creation of accepting and nurturing spaces where similarities and differences are respected, supported, and valued by promoting the active participation of the entire community.
2.4.4 Discrimination: Discrimination is the prejudicial treatment of an individual or group compared to another on the basis of actual or perceived gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, age, country of origin, nationality, citizenship status, native language, size, physical, mental or perceptual abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or level of practice.
21 3. The Path of Inclusivity
Every human society has inherited conscious and unconscious patterns of discrimination against certain groups of people, generally based on fear, ignorance or greed. As a community, Shambhala must address culturally embedded positions of power and privilege, and bring awareness to their associated forms of discrimination, so that all people may participate according to their inspiration and ability. The social dynamics of dominant groups can negatively impact people whose social identities are underrepresented in Shambhala and/or marginalized in society.
3.1 Welcome and treat each individual as unique and deserving of respect.
3.2 Make programs accessible to as many people as possible.
3.3 Unconditionally reject every form of bigotry, discrimination, and actions or words expressing hatred.
3.4 Recognize that people have intersecting identities, which means that individuals experience identity differently, within structures of inequality and/or privilege.
3.5 Explicitly address barriers to open communication, community building, and organizational development caused by views of existing hierarchies.
3.6 Promote active and regular engagement between diverse individuals and groups to explore difference and to develop mutual understanding in a safe and nurturing environment.
3.7 Encourage meaningful participation of diverse individuals in decision-making processes.
3.8 Commit to waking up and shifting social dynamics of dominant groups that negatively impact people who are underrepresented in Shambhala.
3.9 Set clear goals regarding diversity and inclusivity, and allocate efforts and resources to improving accessibility for all (See Shambhala Accessibility Resources).
This was my mass email of Feb. 21, 2020:
The Northwest Dharma Society on how to reduce your pathological whiteness, to be a kinder person.
Hi everyone,
A couple of years ago I meet George Draffin at a meeting of the Northwest Dharma Society when George was in Vancouver. I just made this video below, with my monk friend and teacher, Paññobhāsa Mahathera and we discuss George’s recommendations on how you can reduce your pathological whiteness. How Buddhism Resists the Pathology of Whiteness, at the Northwest Dharma Association
If you would like to help others to learn to face their own innate white supremacy, please donate money to the Northwest Dharma Society at:
When we met two years ago, Lama Tsewang also attended. He helped to bring my 20 year Buddhist teaching career to an end by getting me fired from my jobs. After he died in May I made this video about him, which is the main video by which he will be remembered.
Brian Ruhe
August 16, 2019
Visualize Toppling Jewish Power
There is a process of meditation upon the higher realms where you get to the point of merging with the deva. I’ve described that in my book, Freeing the Buddha and in video series so I will continue from that point. Visualize that you have made your way up to Tavatimsa heaven and you are sitting before Sakka. Then, you merge into Sakka and become one with him.
You experience his role/ your role as a ruler, ruling over Tavatimsa heaven. Then you go to the sudhamma hall where the four great king devas from the first heaven below await your leadership. You focus on the naga king and you communicate to the devas that you are unhappy with the vassals of the naga king who are treacherous and deceitful and rule over the Rothschild family.
The naga king understands and responds immediately. You extend your right hand and a wave of power goes down through the nagas as the naga king descends to Earth. Aliens in physical bodies and spaceships join in as well. This retinue of glorious, effulgent and virtuous devas and aliens send an attack wave down to the nagas who are the Rothschild family and their handlers. They also attack any asuras and other aliens working with the lower nagas. Visualize this wave toppling the Rothschild banking structure and toppling Jewish power within the city of London.
The nagas, aliens and any other devas of the four great kings who join them, then rise up in the air and descend upon the Vatican in Rome, Italy. With a burst of energy they blast a similar salvo down upon the nagas and asuras controlling Vatican City. See this wave instantly brushing them aside and toppling Jewish power from the Pope and the heads of the Catholic church.
This glorious conflagration rises again across the Atlantic and ponces upon Washington, DC. In this way they topple the three global centres of Jewish power – banking, religion and the military. Finally, they swirl high into space, past the first heaven and back up to the sudhamma hall in Tavatimsa heaven. There Sakka/ you are pleased and then they go down to Israel and they confront the nagas and asuras there.
Next, from above you on your left you become aware of the maras. They are going down and putting a shield around Israel. You have met your match. You have an arresting feeling and your devas can’t get through. You break off the higher realm attack and your devas head back up to the sudhamma hall in retreat and they regroup with you.
You/ Sakka, the four great kings and the whole host of resplendent devas look out across planet Earth and you see the complex of good and bad devas in and around the world. You see the complex of aliens in and around the world. White nordics, greys, reptilians, insectasoids and others with their ships.
Then you contemplate upon the universal law of karma. Then all the devas and you, have the realization that the law of karma has the upper hand. The law of karma decides what will happen next in mankind’s timeless struggle against Jewish power and Mara.
Dissolve the visualization at this point.
Combine Buddhist and other higher realm channelling with our knowledge of the JQ and our conviction to resist Jewish power. Do online group guided meditations on toppling Jewish power from planet Earth.
Combine what people know about consciousness, experiencers, UFOs and aliens with guided meditations. Bring in the cosmological power of Buddhism with the power of individual experiencers. With their power and guided meditations and knowledge of the map of cosmology we can create a group force stronger than the sum of its parts. This is new leadership emerging in the truth movement. Leadership which finally addresses the higher realm powers beyond materialist thinking.
One goal is to get around asking the government to give us UFO disclosure. We can contact the white nordics and others ourselves and bring them down. Like the CSETI protocols, we can get the aliens and devas working with us and for us. We may be working for them in the sense that we are instruments for the gods. But we have human bodies which the devas admire as we can move worldly, earthly karma. How we work together is a mystery because most of us are in this third dimension most of the time.
We can focus our attack upon the Pindar. There may be a principle among the aliens that they don’t kill each other when they vie for power and struggle with each other. So, we want to topple the Pindar from power but we don’t want to kill him. We have been under attack since prerecorded history. We are just defending ourselves. The law of karma will play itself out. We don’t know the future. We just act. Good acts against evil. Good does not apologize for using its power and strength at any level.
We harness all the higher realm powers, alien and deva to attack Israel and the Pindar. Our aliens vs their aliens. We could win. Good might triumph over evil. If the karma of humanity is corrupt, then humanity will continue to grow in enslavement to the Jew world order. We are all on this unheavenly world because we all deserve it. Karma is individual. If you can’t save humanity maybe you can save some of them. If you can’t do that you could save yourself. Keep your own karma good until you go down.
Our experiencers, contactees, remote viewers and psychics can ask if we can topple the Pindar and Jewish power. They could get an answer. They could find out if the karma of humanity allows the reptilian Rothschilds to hold on to power or not. Are the Rothschilds and the globalist elite like Darth Vader? Are we like the rebels in Star Wars? Can we blow up their death star? Maybe we can find out the relationship between the aliens and what the balance of power is. Perhaps this is already published on the Internet and volunteers could research this.
Stay tuned for what arises in future blogs on this website!
Brian Ruhe
June 19, 2019
Today I received the email below, after I thanked a supporter after she donated $50 to The Brian Ruhe Show. Over the years she has objected to Bhikkhu Bodhi, as I have done in this section of this website. She particularly thanked Pannobhasa Mahathera for standing up to Bhikkhu Bodhi’s destructive liberalism in Buddhism, in this video he and I made:
You’re welcome Brian,
It’s a privilege and honor to support your show and others out there exposing lies and protecting truth.
Your video about Bhikkhu Bodhi with Ven. Pannobhasa was most satisfying. Not being a Buddhist but noticing how liberalism seemed to flood Buddhist circles was quite disturbing. What a relief to find actual monastics who believe the opposite – like Ven. Pannobhasa.
Let’s hope others start coming forward and taking a stand against this twisted concept of good and evil – or at least encouraging sound boundaries for living. If they don’t, when all is said and done, most likely traditional Asian Buddhists will blame “the west” or America for defiling their faith. I’ve already seen this. Truth is – even Christianity is fighting liberal agendas. For SDA churches who stand firm on scripture and believe that women have no place in the church as pastors, many are giving in and allowing women to hold pastoral positions. This is not supposed to be! Many pastors have stepped down and left the churches because they were voted out in order to usher in a feminist agenda.
Bhikkhu Bodhi will most likely take rebirth as a crustacean in his next life! He can remain a “bottom of the ocean dweller” and eat up all the garbage from the ocean floor until there’s no garbage left!! That might take him a few lifetimes… Talk about natural recycling… lol
Hats off to you Brian. Sorry about your channel. I’m sure many of us are experiencing YouTube withdrawal! What a lesson on detachment and letting go. I’m sure a better plan is in store for you.
Wishing you well, as always,
Sept. 15th, 2017
I have just released two new videos about the North American Buddhist Alliance.
Jewish Control Over Buddhism – 13 – North American Buddhist Alliance Lies About Charlottesville
Jewish Control Over Buddhism – 14 – North American Buddhist Alliance is a Hate Organization, Racist Against Whites
YouTube deleted my old channel so these two videos are now on
In Part 14, I talk about a conference call I was on with the North American Buddhist Alliance (NABA) and I show their many anti-white meetings listed right on their website. Their website shows how they are a hate organization. They are racist against white people. I have been a Theravada Buddhist teacher for 20 years, following the Ajahn Chah traditon at .
Please watch this video and then contact the NABA as I have and try to reason with them to have more compassion for all people, including whites. They can be reached at:
Phone: 253-886-6251
11501 87th Ave S.
Seattle, WA 98178
Copied from their NABA website it states:
“The reactions to the recent white Buddhists and POC Buddhists racial justice calls are overwhelmingly positive.
Both groups will continue their online meetings.
The POC Buddhists will meet monthly starting September 15th, Friday, 4-6 PM PDT / 7-9 PM EDT.
Here’s the registration link:
Dr. Kamilah Majied will continue to facilitate this group. The Working Committees will share updates on this September call.
The White Buddhists will meet monthly starting September 13th, Wednesday, 4-6 PM PDT / 7-9 PM EDT.
Here’s the registration link:
Elaine Retholtz with New York Insight Meditation will facilitate the September call. This community will move forward with more structure and meet with Eleanor Hancock at WhiteAwake for guidance and resources when needed.
NABA now has Google Groups for the White Affinities Group and the POC Buddhists for Racial Justice Group.
With requests to build collaborative relationships, NABA also started a NABA Racial Justice Google Group to begin the bridging and dialogue between the white Buddhists and POC Buddhists for racial justice.
Feel free to contact Info @ North American Buddhist Alliance .org about any of the above.
Next Steps are being developed. Please share your resource, register for a webinar, and join a working committee!”
———- ————- ————–
There you have it folks. Many resources for unending white guilt! I encourage you to join them and challenge them as they welcome “input”.
If anyone out there would like to help me with this ongoing project please contact me at with “Jewish Control Over Buddhism” in the message. You can phone me too, at PST at 604-738-8475.
————— ————— —————–
May 2017
In this section below, I link to two of 10 videos I have released.
Jewish Control Over Buddhism – 1 of 10
Jewish Control Over Buddhism – 2 of 10
I am putting some focus on this important subject. In Asia, Buddhism is grouded in a culture. In the West, it is not grounded in a culture. In the West Buddhism is dominated by Jews and it is grounded in cultural Marxism which is not dhamma so it is wrong. Part of my reason for sharing this widely is psychological. Most people are three dimensional. I am looking at this four dimensionally. The core problem here is that my Buddhist teachers have not paid much attention to me since I started on January 14th, 1991. Jesus said, get your own house in order first before you try to clean up other people’s homes. These Buddhist monks who I have followed and supported for many years basically ignore me. They ignore my emails, they refuse to allow me to visit a monastery or they reply with one or two sentence patronizing remarks.
I wrote to the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) to their main institution in Massachusetts and to many of their regional people with the below email…
May 2017
keeping the Insight Meditation Society Buddhist
The Brian Ruhe Show #104 – 1960 West 7th Ave., Vancouver, BC V6J 1T1 Tel. 604-738-8475 Skype: brianaruhe
I have taught Theravada Buddhism and meditation for 20 years in adult Ed. courses around Vancouver, BC. Over the past five years my work has morphed as I gained more insight and knowledge about the world. Now my main focus is that I have a YouTube talk show above, interviewing people by Skype, about the biggest problems in the world. I get about 3000 people a day watching my videos.
I want to appeal to you to help improve IMS from the inside. I think their meditation teachings are good and I would like to see them stay that way but I’m writing because I am more aware than most of Jewish elements within IMS which are damaging their message and I am requesting that an effort should be made to take those out.
This is part of an international Jewish agenda which is the most powerful force in society generally and it is everywhere. Buddhism in Asia is rooted in a culture but in the West Buddhism is not rooted in a culture. It is controlled by Jews and rooted in cultural Marxist ideas which are not dhamma and this harms the Buddha’s teachings so I feel morally compelled to point this out and ask that it stop.
Also, I want to ask you to request that Bhikkhu Bodhi should mend his ways. He promotes “women’s reproductive rights” and “just wars”. During the election he wrongly took sides, favouring Hillary Clinton and he spoke out against Donald Trump because Trump was opposed to abortion. He is a Jew who puts his international Jewish agenda first as be betrays the Buddha. To many, he has lost all credibility as a dhamma teacher and has committed a disrobing offense as a famous monk, advocating killing.
Obama and Hillary led the war on Libya and Syria. These are crimes against humanity and Bhikkhu Bodhi has been a disgrace, indirectly supporting this with his Just War speech in 2014, where he imagined a preemptive killing of Adolf Hitler, in this immoral and illegal current atmosphere of American preemptive wars against Iraq, Libya, Syria, North Korea, even Iran and Russia. Thanissaro Bhikkhu described Bhikkhu Bodhi’s preemptive assassination of Adolf Hitler as: “The concept of “presumptive validity” comes from Talmudic scholarship, and is totally foreign to the Pali suttas.”.
In this essay, Bhikkhu Bodhi also made the biased Jewish comment: “Thus I singled out for consideration the Allied campaign to stop the drive for global domination launched by Nazi Germany. This may be the only war in modern history that I regard as meeting the criteria of a just war”. This comment by Bhikkhu Bodhi is not proven to be true because after WW1 it was Jewish Internationalism driving for global domination and not Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany was protecting Europe from Jewish Internationalist Communism. It was Britain and France who started WW2. It is propaganda to say Nazi Germany was driving for world domination.
Bhikkhu Bodhi is an activist and he is deliberately misleading Buddhists. There is an atmosphere of war in the west with Islam and Bhikkhu Bodhi supports this with his belief in just wars. Bhikkhu Bodhi never mentions Libya or Syria or Yemen. He promoted the Obama war machine. Unless he apologizes for this he cannot be forgiven.
The US is the major terrorist in the world. There is a liberal cultural Marxism in politics in Buddhism connected to the Democratic party and these Buddhists are ignoring their crimes against humanity. Buddhist shouldn’t be supporting Obama and Clinton massacring people for Israel. They have destroyed the lives of millions of good people. Cultural Marxism is communism! The US has taken over many countries and installed puppet governments with death squads and Bhikkhu Bodhi is talking in such a way that he acts like he is supporting a good thing.
Also, Buddhists do need to modify their way of life and have sustainability. But the way that Bhikkhu Bodhi talks he supports the government’s ideas about climate change which will be used for population control and harming the poor. The rich aren’t going to give up their way of life but they want to put carbon taxes on the poor. The government is evil and they are doing this. The values these Buddhists are promoting are used by a stream of the government to harm the people.
Next, Buddhism doesn’t support minority identity groups. It supports people who practice Buddhism. Buddhism doesn’t support a gay agenda or transgender. These sexual agendas are used to control us by the government and Buddhism should have no part in this. These are evil agendas paid for by George Soros and the forces of mara in the world. This is another International Jewish agenda to undermine traditional society.
The IMS website places too much emphasis on including and increasing people of colour in your organization. People of colour (POC) have always been welcome of course, but IMS emphasizes white privilege, therefore encouraging white guilt, making a problem where none existed. This is on your website at: It states: We regularly conduct staff trainings, including role-playing, based on case studies on microaggressions, white privilege, and welcoming POC and transgender/queer retreatants and teachers to our centers.
We knew from the beginning that to truly commit to this work, we needed to increase the number of people of color (POC) serving on and leading our Board of Directors. Currently, six of our 18 Board members identify as people of color, and four as LGBTIQ.
You have a ‘Diversity Committee’ and even sent the book, “Waking Up White”, in 2016 to all core and visiting teachers and assistants.
This is not dhamma. The dhamma should not be supporting transgender, as doctors describe it as a mental illness. If someone is born a man, they encourage harm by letting them think they are a woman. And multiculturalism is a code word for white genocide. These are both international Jewish agendas encouraged through IMS’s local and national organizations and this is wrong. I ask IMS to stop this and stick with Theravada Buddhist meditation which IMS does well.
The Jewish organization Bnai Brith contacted six of my employers in 2015 and got me fired from teaching, effectively ending my Buddhist teaching career at age 55.
I have a link to my website, which includes a pdf of the whole debate between Bhikkhu Bodhi and Ajahn Thanissaro, at
and I have a series of 10 YouTube videos, Jewish Control Over Buddhism, beginning at:
With metta. Thank you,
Brian Ruhe
In my videos, Jewish Control Over Buddhism, 10 and growing, I take specifc aim at the most famous American Buddhist monk, Bhikkhu Bodhi. In part six of the video series I take another chunk out of Bhikkhu Bodhi. This is going to go on and on… year after year… like the Vietnam War… even decade after decade… until the truth is better known. Bhikkhu Bodhi is a Jew and here I publicly accuse him of putting an international Jewish agenda ahead of his professed religion of Theravada Buddhism. In the articles and his words below, Bhikkhi Bodhi hangs himself. I advocate for the disrobing of Bhikkhu Bodhi unless be publicly apologies and he retreacts his anti-dhamma statements, in writing. Bhikkhi Bodhi wrote an article for Inquiring Mind magazine in 2014 where he defends the idea of a “just war”. Ajahn Thanissaro strongly objected to Bhikkhu Bodhi’s views so he wrote to Inquiring Mind and the two went back in forth in a very public debate. The PDF of those writings is posted here:
It is my view that Buddhism should accomplish the following three goals before this century is out:
Annihilate politcal correctness
Annihilate abortion
Annihilate transgender
I call upon all of Brian Ruhe’s followers, whether you’re interested in Buddhism or revisonism or whatever, to patiently and persistently give Bhikkhu Bodhi a piece of your mind. Please show him just how “bigoted” the supporters of Donald Trump are. You are invited to use Gandhian methods.
Brian Ruhe kindly invites you to walk right into the monastery of his residence, Contact Information
The monastery will answer telephone calls between 8:00 and 11:00 am and between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. If you call at any other time, please leave a voice mail and your message will be directed to the appropriate bhikkhu. Please use voice mail if your call is not urgent or if you do not need a response. Thank you for your cooperation.
Telephone: 973-940-0473 (Daily,Weekend) Hours: 8:00am-6:00pm
Address: 67 Lawrence Road, Lafayette, New Jersey 07848
Bhikkhu Bodhi is a high level Internet gate keeper for the Jews. He is the human embodiment of one of the worst kinds of evil known throughout the history of the international Jewish supremacists. This is what I have often called “compassion is aggression”. He tries to show to the world his Buddhist compassion, his self righteous moral indignation, all the while he planned to prostrate not to a statue of the Buddha but to the State of Israel. I want Bhikkhu Bodhi to stay alive. I want this monk alive and in reasonable health. I want to see a YouTube video of Bhikkhu Bodhi retracting his statements in favour of womens reproductive rights and in favour of just wars. I feel that the reason why he has had bad, painful headaches throughout his adult life is simply because Bhikkhu Bodhi is a lying Jew.
Re: Bhikkhu Bodhi responds to Trump victory
Postby JackOfHearts » Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:17 pm
Although Bhikkhu Bodhi lost all credibility as a Dhamma teacher for me with his advocacy for a doctrine of Just War, here, though he couches it as “defending women’s reproductive rights,” he’s advocating for women’s right to have an abortion. No matter how much I’d like to sugarcoat it, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that once again Bhikkhu Bodhi is encouraging people to violate the first precept. I take it as further evidence of a fundamental failure by Bhikkhu Bodhi to understand the Dhamma at even a basic level despite his deep familiarity with the suttas. Shocking, I know. But his statements are absolutely irreconcilable with the Dhamma unless you are willing to throw out the teachings of all the Ajahns and the Pali Canon itself. Myself, the only way to reconcile the irreconcilable is to reluctantly admit that despite his admirable efforts in translating the Canon, I cannot hold him up as any sort of Dhamma teacher.
Re: Bhikkhu Bodhi responds to Trump victory
Postby paul » Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:20 am
In the dark times ahead Bh.Bodhi advocates an alliance between disparate groups in society. Many leading US Buddhists are Jewish and one of the first prime ministers Trump called after victory was Israel’s. It may be that the Jewish influence mitigates against US Buddhism having to go underground
Re: Bhikkhu Bodhi responds to Trump victory
Postby retrofuturist » Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:54 am
Greetings Mkoll,
Mkoll wrote:Which Ajahns are explicitly against all abortion, besides Ven. Thanissaro?
It might make more sense to turn that question on its head and point out that none could be explicitly for abortion, because…
The four transgressions which incur a Parajika, the penalty of automatic disrobal, are as follows:…
3. Purposely killing a human being or encouraging him or her to commit suicide (this includes inciting another to murder somebody and it also includes convincing a woman to have an abortion.
Good man here:
6) Do those Buddhist teachers simply not know about those mentioned political imperialist records of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton? Can they really be that naive? To be fair: I would not completely exclude it. But it seems unlikely.
Or are they all a “progressive Buddhist” fraction of the middle-class Anglo-Saxon or Jewish support populace of that Anglo-Saxon or Jewish American establishment – which traditionally has been in charge of the American and British policy?
Very misleading post by Bhikkhu Bodhi here:
Buddhism has within it a vision for a perfect world. However Buddhism has never had the agenda to create a perfect world because Buddhism comprehends the majority of the world is immersed in ignorance & the world is ruled by ‘gods’ (the tyrants) that hoodwink the people to finance via taxation, vote for, fight & die in their wars (as shown in the top left triangle of the picture).
For example, most Western people cannot even see that it is their own governments & their political allies that are financing & arming the terrorists for economic & political aims.
Thus Buddhism states:
170. One who looks upon the world as a bubble and a mirage, him the King of Death sees not.
171. Come! Behold this world, which is like a decorated royal chariot. Here fools flounder, but the wise have no attachment to it
58. Upon a heap of rubbish in the road-side ditch blooms a lotus, fragrant and pleasing.
59. Even so, on the rubbish heap of blinded mortals the disciple of the Supremely Enlightened One shines resplendent in wisdom.
For example, only last week did President Obama waive the US Arms Export Act so weapons of murder & death could be freely sold to terrorists fighting for US goals in Syria.
December 8, 2016
Presidential Determination No. 2017-05
SUBJECT: Presidential Determination and Waiver Pursuant to Section 2249a of Title 10, United States Code, and Sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act to Support U.S. Special Operations to Combat Terrorism in Syria
I hereby: determine that the transaction, encompassing the provision of defense articles and services to foreign forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals engaged in supporting or facilitating ongoing U.S. military operations to counter terrorism in Syria, is essential to the national security interests of the United States.
The terrorists are funded by US political allies & both the USA and the terrorists have caused a refugee crisis in Europe from lands (Libya & Syria) destroyed by the USA, NATO, its Wahhabi allies & the terrorists. Yet most Western people still believe the terrorists are Muslims that hate the West.
Al Qaeda’s Abdelhakim Belhadj poses with US Senator John McCain. McCain’s lobbying would play a part in securing Al Qaeda and its affiliates with sufficient arms to overthrow the secular government of Muammar Qaddafi in Libya. Soon after, these terrorists and their weapons would find their way to Syria via NATO-member Turkey.
There are even Western Buddhist monks (here) that greive when the war maker Hilary Clinton loses the election in favour of Donald Trump who at least said America should not be supporting wars in Syria & the Middle East. One of the rationales of this monk was Mr Trump did not support abortion for women.
Posted on November 9, 2016 by Bhikkhu Bodhi
It was with feelings of shock and dismay that early this morning I woke up to learn that Donald Trump had been elected president of the United States.
When people are so easily fooled like this, including by Western Buddhist monks, change cannot occur & danger cannot be escaped.
Since as Buddhists we cannot make war, we must prepare for the worst & learn to let go.
The Dhamma-Sacca of Samatha-Vipassana for the Nuclear Age
The nuclear age form of Dhamma prepares all people to face the events of our nuclear era: events of war and events of peace. It also prepares us for the general events in the daily lives of human beings. In the case of war, if nuclear war occurs, what sort of Dhamma will enable the mind to face such horrible dangers and punishment? With peace, what knowledge is needed regarding this situation in which there is still this nuclear age kind of peace?
Nowadays, what are people doing that we call this “The Nuclear Age”? They can go up to the moon, circle it, land on it, and come back to earth. They can send vehicles to look at, explore, and go beyond the planets.
Obviously, this kind of progress leads to strange and powerful results. In Dhamma language, we call these results atimahantaramana (ati, extreme; mahanta, great; aramana, things known or felt, things which strike or make contact). They are sense objects that powerfully strike the mind in the form of dukkha (suffering). Why don’t we take a happier view of the situation? Because that’s impossible. Material progress that leads people to be infatuated with sensual pleasure and stimulation blocks the way to peace. Even though we may be enjoying some delicious sensual pleasures now, such sense experiences support and increase defilement (kilesa), especially the defilement of selfishness. With selfishness reaching extreme levels, there’s no peace in sight. Therefore, we can see only these undesirable things that we have created.
In this nuclear age, such dangers can come at any time. Although we may have parents and children, it’s as if we had no one. Then who will help us? What will help? I think that Dhamma will help us, which means the Buddha will help us.
Samatha-Vipassana for the Nuclear Age
Jewish Control Over Buddhism
This was my mass email of Feb. 21, 2020:
The Northwest Dharma Society on how to reduce your pathological whiteness, to be a kinder person.
Hi everyone,
A couple of years ago I meet George Draffin at a meeting of the Northwest Dharma Society when George was in Vancouver. I just made this video below, with my monk friend and teacher, Paññobhāsa Mahathera and we discuss George’s recommendations on how you can reduce your pathological whiteness. How Buddhism Resists the Pathology of Whiteness, at the Northwest Dharma Association
If you would like to help others to learn to face their own innate white supremacy, please donate money to the Northwest Dharma Society at:
When we met two years ago, Lama Tsewang also attended. He helped to bring my 20 year Buddhist teaching career to an end by getting me fired from my jobs. After he died in May I made this video about him, which is the main video by which he will be remembered.
Brian Ruhe
August 16, 2019
Visualize Toppling Jewish Power
There is a process of meditation upon the higher realms where you get to the point of merging with the deva. I’ve described that in my book, Freeing the Buddha and in video series so I will continue from that point. Visualize that you have made your way up to Tavatimsa heaven and you are sitting before Sakka. Then, you merge into Sakka and become one with him.
You experience his role/ your role as a ruler, ruling over Tavatimsa heaven. Then you go to the sudhamma hall where the four great king devas from the first heaven below await your leadership. You focus on the naga king and you communicate to the devas that you are unhappy with the vassals of the naga king who are treacherous and deceitful and rule over the Rothschild family.
The naga king understands and responds immediately. You extend your right hand and a wave of power goes down through the nagas as the naga king descends to Earth. Aliens in physical bodies and spaceships join in as well. This retinue of glorious, effulgent and virtuous devas and aliens send an attack wave down to the nagas who are the Rothschild family and their handlers. They also attack any asuras and other aliens working with the lower nagas. Visualize this wave toppling the Rothschild banking structure and toppling Jewish power within the city of London.
The nagas, aliens and any other devas of the four great kings who join them, then rise up in the air and descend upon the Vatican in Rome, Italy. With a burst of energy they blast a similar salvo down upon the nagas and asuras controlling Vatican City. See this wave instantly brushing them aside and toppling Jewish power from the Pope and the heads of the Catholic church.
This glorious conflagration rises again across the Atlantic and ponces upon Washington, DC. In this way they topple the three global centres of Jewish power – banking, religion and the military. Finally, they swirl high into space, past the first heaven and back up to the sudhamma hall in Tavatimsa heaven. There Sakka/ you are pleased and then they go down to Israel and they confront the nagas and asuras there.
Next, from above you on your left you become aware of the maras. They are going down and putting a shield around Israel. You have met your match. You have an arresting feeling and your devas can’t get through. You break off the higher realm attack and your devas head back up to the sudhamma hall in retreat and they regroup with you.
You/ Sakka, the four great kings and the whole host of resplendent devas look out across planet Earth and you see the complex of good and bad devas in and around the world. You see the complex of aliens in and around the world. White nordics, greys, reptilians, insectasoids and others with their ships.
Then you contemplate upon the universal law of karma. Then all the devas and you, have the realization that the law of karma has the upper hand. The law of karma decides what will happen next in mankind’s timeless struggle against Jewish power and Mara.
Dissolve the visualization at this point.
Combine Buddhist and other higher realm channelling with our knowledge of the JQ and our conviction to resist Jewish power. Do online group guided meditations on toppling Jewish power from planet Earth.
Combine what people know about consciousness, experiencers, UFOs and aliens with guided meditations. Bring in the cosmological power of Buddhism with the power of individual experiencers. With their power and guided meditations and knowledge of the map of cosmology we can create a group force stronger than the sum of its parts. This is new leadership emerging in the truth movement. Leadership which finally addresses the higher realm powers beyond materialist thinking.
One goal is to get around asking the government to give us UFO disclosure. We can contact the white nordics and others ourselves and bring them down. Like the CSETI protocols, we can get the aliens and devas working with us and for us. We may be working for them in the sense that we are instruments for the gods. But we have human bodies which the devas admire as we can move worldly, earthly karma. How we work together is a mystery because most of us are in this third dimension most of the time.
We can focus our attack upon the Pindar. There may be a principle among the aliens that they don’t kill each other when they vie for power and struggle with each other. So, we want to topple the Pindar from power but we don’t want to kill him. We have been under attack since prerecorded history. We are just defending ourselves. The law of karma will play itself out. We don’t know the future. We just act. Good acts against evil. Good does not apologize for using its power and strength at any level.
We harness all the higher realm powers, alien and deva to attack Israel and the Pindar. Our aliens vs their aliens. We could win. Good might triumph over evil. If the karma of humanity is corrupt, then humanity will continue to grow in enslavement to the Jew world order. We are all on this unheavenly world because we all deserve it. Karma is individual. If you can’t save humanity maybe you can save some of them. If you can’t do that you could save yourself. Keep your own karma good until you go down.
Our experiencers, contactees, remote viewers and psychics can ask if we can topple the Pindar and Jewish power. They could get an answer. They could find out if the karma of humanity allows the reptilian Rothschilds to hold on to power or not. Are the Rothschilds and the globalist elite like Darth Vader? Are we like the rebels in Star Wars? Can we blow up their death star? Maybe we can find out the relationship between the aliens and what the balance of power is. Perhaps this is already published on the Internet and volunteers could research this.
Stay tuned for what arises in future blogs on this website!
Brian Ruhe
June 19, 2019
Today I received the email below, after I thanked a supporter after she donated $50 to The Brian Ruhe Show. Over the years she has objected to Bhikkhu Bodhi, as I have done in this section of this website. She particularly thanked Pannobhasa Mahathera for standing up to Bhikkhu Bodhi’s destructive liberalism in Buddhism, in this video he and I made:
You’re welcome Brian,
It’s a privilege and honor to support your show and others out there exposing lies and protecting truth.
Your video about Bhikkhu Bodhi with Ven. Pannobhasa was most satisfying. Not being a Buddhist but noticing how liberalism seemed to flood Buddhist circles was quite disturbing. What a relief to find actual monastics who believe the opposite – like Ven. Pannobhasa.
Let’s hope others start coming forward and taking a stand against this twisted concept of good and evil – or at least encouraging sound boundaries for living. If they don’t, when all is said and done, most likely traditional Asian Buddhists will blame “the west” or America for defiling their faith. I’ve already seen this. Truth is – even Christianity is fighting liberal agendas. For SDA churches who stand firm on scripture and believe that women have no place in the church as pastors, many are giving in and allowing women to hold pastoral positions. This is not supposed to be! Many pastors have stepped down and left the churches because they were voted out in order to usher in a feminist agenda.
Bhikkhu Bodhi will most likely take rebirth as a crustacean in his next life! He can remain a “bottom of the ocean dweller” and eat up all the garbage from the ocean floor until there’s no garbage left!! That might take him a few lifetimes… Talk about natural recycling… lol
Hats off to you Brian. Sorry about your channel. I’m sure many of us are experiencing YouTube withdrawal! What a lesson on detachment and letting go. I’m sure a better plan is in store for you.
Wishing you well, as always,
Sept. 15th, 2017
I have just released two new videos about the North American Buddhist Alliance.
Jewish Control Over Buddhism – 13 – North American Buddhist Alliance Lies About Charlottesville
Jewish Control Over Buddhism – 14 – North American Buddhist Alliance is a Hate Organization, Racist Against Whites
YouTube deleted my old channel so these two videos are now on
In Part 14, I talk about a conference call I was on with the North American Buddhist Alliance (NABA) and I show their many anti-white meetings listed right on their website. Their website shows how they are a hate organization. They are racist against white people. I have been a Theravada Buddhist teacher for 20 years, following the Ajahn Chah traditon at .
Please watch this video and then contact the NABA as I have and try to reason with them to have more compassion for all people, including whites. They can be reached at:
Phone: 253-886-6251
11501 87th Ave S.
Seattle, WA 98178
Copied from their NABA website it states:
“The reactions to the recent white Buddhists and POC Buddhists racial justice calls are overwhelmingly positive.
Both groups will continue their online meetings.
The POC Buddhists will meet monthly starting September 15th, Friday, 4-6 PM PDT / 7-9 PM EDT.
Here’s the registration link:
Dr. Kamilah Majied will continue to facilitate this group. The Working Committees will share updates on this September call.
The White Buddhists will meet monthly starting September 13th, Wednesday, 4-6 PM PDT / 7-9 PM EDT.
Here’s the registration link:
Elaine Retholtz with New York Insight Meditation will facilitate the September call. This community will move forward with more structure and meet with Eleanor Hancock at WhiteAwake for guidance and resources when needed.
NABA now has Google Groups for the White Affinities Group and the POC Buddhists for Racial Justice Group.
With requests to build collaborative relationships, NABA also started a NABA Racial Justice Google Group to begin the bridging and dialogue between the white Buddhists and POC Buddhists for racial justice.
Feel free to contact Info @ North American Buddhist Alliance .org about any of the above.
Next Steps are being developed. Please share your resource, register for a webinar, and join a working committee!”
———- ————- ————–
There you have it folks. Many resources for unending white guilt! I encourage you to join them and challenge them as they welcome “input”.
If anyone out there would like to help me with this ongoing project please contact me at with “Jewish Control Over Buddhism” in the message. You can phone me too, at PST at 604-738-8475.
————— ————— —————–
May 2017
In this section below, I link to two of 10 videos I have released.
Jewish Control Over Buddhism – 1 of 10
Jewish Control Over Buddhism – 2 of 10
I am putting some focus on this important subject. In Asia, Buddhism is grouded in a culture. In the West, it is not grounded in a culture. In the West Buddhism is dominated by Jews and it is grounded in cultural Marxism which is not dhamma so it is wrong. Part of my reason for sharing this widely is psychological. Most people are three dimensional. I am looking at this four dimensionally. The core problem here is that my Buddhist teachers have not paid much attention to me since I started on January 14th, 1991. Jesus said, get your own house in order first before you try to clean up other people’s homes. These Buddhist monks who I have followed and supported for many years basically ignore me. They ignore my emails, they refuse to allow me to visit a monastery or they reply with one or two sentence patronizing remarks.
I wrote to the Insight Meditation Society (IMS) to their main institution in Massachusetts and to many of their regional people with the below email…
May 2017
keeping the Insight Meditation Society Buddhist
The Brian Ruhe Show #104 – 1960 West 7th Ave., Vancouver, BC V6J 1T1 Tel. 604-738-8475 Skype: brianaruhe
I have taught Theravada Buddhism and meditation for 20 years in adult Ed. courses around Vancouver, BC. Over the past five years my work has morphed as I gained more insight and knowledge about the world. Now my main focus is that I have a YouTube talk show above, interviewing people by Skype, about the biggest problems in the world. I get about 3000 people a day watching my videos.
I want to appeal to you to help improve IMS from the inside. I think their meditation teachings are good and I would like to see them stay that way but I’m writing because I am more aware than most of Jewish elements within IMS which are damaging their message and I am requesting that an effort should be made to take those out.
This is part of an international Jewish agenda which is the most powerful force in society generally and it is everywhere. Buddhism in Asia is rooted in a culture but in the West Buddhism is not rooted in a culture. It is controlled by Jews and rooted in cultural Marxist ideas which are not dhamma and this harms the Buddha’s teachings so I feel morally compelled to point this out and ask that it stop.
Also, I want to ask you to request that Bhikkhu Bodhi should mend his ways. He promotes “women’s reproductive rights” and “just wars”. During the election he wrongly took sides, favouring Hillary Clinton and he spoke out against Donald Trump because Trump was opposed to abortion. He is a Jew who puts his international Jewish agenda first as be betrays the Buddha. To many, he has lost all credibility as a dhamma teacher and has committed a disrobing offense as a famous monk, advocating killing.
Obama and Hillary led the war on Libya and Syria. These are crimes against humanity and Bhikkhu Bodhi has been a disgrace, indirectly supporting this with his Just War speech in 2014, where he imagined a preemptive killing of Adolf Hitler, in this immoral and illegal current atmosphere of American preemptive wars against Iraq, Libya, Syria, North Korea, even Iran and Russia. Thanissaro Bhikkhu described Bhikkhu Bodhi’s preemptive assassination of Adolf Hitler as: “The concept of “presumptive validity” comes from Talmudic scholarship, and is totally foreign to the Pali suttas.”.
In this essay, Bhikkhu Bodhi also made the biased Jewish comment: “Thus I singled out for consideration the Allied campaign to stop the drive for global domination launched by Nazi Germany. This may be the only war in modern history that I regard as meeting the criteria of a just war”. This comment by Bhikkhu Bodhi is not proven to be true because after WW1 it was Jewish Internationalism driving for global domination and not Nazi Germany. Nazi Germany was protecting Europe from Jewish Internationalist Communism. It was Britain and France who started WW2. It is propaganda to say Nazi Germany was driving for world domination.
Bhikkhu Bodhi is an activist and he is deliberately misleading Buddhists. There is an atmosphere of war in the west with Islam and Bhikkhu Bodhi supports this with his belief in just wars. Bhikkhu Bodhi never mentions Libya or Syria or Yemen. He promoted the Obama war machine. Unless he apologizes for this he cannot be forgiven.
The US is the major terrorist in the world. There is a liberal cultural Marxism in politics in Buddhism connected to the Democratic party and these Buddhists are ignoring their crimes against humanity. Buddhist shouldn’t be supporting Obama and Clinton massacring people for Israel. They have destroyed the lives of millions of good people. Cultural Marxism is communism! The US has taken over many countries and installed puppet governments with death squads and Bhikkhu Bodhi is talking in such a way that he acts like he is supporting a good thing.
Also, Buddhists do need to modify their way of life and have sustainability. But the way that Bhikkhu Bodhi talks he supports the government’s ideas about climate change which will be used for population control and harming the poor. The rich aren’t going to give up their way of life but they want to put carbon taxes on the poor. The government is evil and they are doing this. The values these Buddhists are promoting are used by a stream of the government to harm the people.
Next, Buddhism doesn’t support minority identity groups. It supports people who practice Buddhism. Buddhism doesn’t support a gay agenda or transgender. These sexual agendas are used to control us by the government and Buddhism should have no part in this. These are evil agendas paid for by George Soros and the forces of mara in the world. This is another International Jewish agenda to undermine traditional society.
The IMS website places too much emphasis on including and increasing people of colour in your organization. People of colour (POC) have always been welcome of course, but IMS emphasizes white privilege, therefore encouraging white guilt, making a problem where none existed. This is on your website at: It states: We regularly conduct staff trainings, including role-playing, based on case studies on microaggressions, white privilege, and welcoming POC and transgender/queer retreatants and teachers to our centers.
We knew from the beginning that to truly commit to this work, we needed to increase the number of people of color (POC) serving on and leading our Board of Directors. Currently, six of our 18 Board members identify as people of color, and four as LGBTIQ.
You have a ‘Diversity Committee’ and even sent the book, “Waking Up White”, in 2016 to all core and visiting teachers and assistants.
This is not dhamma. The dhamma should not be supporting transgender, as doctors describe it as a mental illness. If someone is born a man, they encourage harm by letting them think they are a woman. And multiculturalism is a code word for white genocide. These are both international Jewish agendas encouraged through IMS’s local and national organizations and this is wrong. I ask IMS to stop this and stick with Theravada Buddhist meditation which IMS does well.
The Jewish organization Bnai Brith contacted six of my employers in 2015 and got me fired from teaching, effectively ending my Buddhist teaching career at age 55.
I have a link to my website, which includes a pdf of the whole debate between Bhikkhu Bodhi and Ajahn Thanissaro, at
and I have a series of 10 YouTube videos, Jewish Control Over Buddhism, beginning at:
With metta. Thank you,
Brian Ruhe
In my videos, Jewish Control Over Buddhism, 10 and growing, I take specifc aim at the most famous American Buddhist monk, Bhikkhu Bodhi. In part six of the video series I take another chunk out of Bhikkhu Bodhi. This is going to go on and on… year after year… like the Vietnam War… even decade after decade… until the truth is better known. Bhikkhu Bodhi is a Jew and here I publicly accuse him of putting an international Jewish agenda ahead of his professed religion of Theravada Buddhism. In the articles and his words below, Bhikkhi Bodhi hangs himself. I advocate for the disrobing of Bhikkhu Bodhi unless be publicly apologies and he retreacts his anti-dhamma statements, in writing. Bhikkhi Bodhi wrote an article for Inquiring Mind magazine in 2014 where he defends the idea of a “just war”. Ajahn Thanissaro strongly objected to Bhikkhu Bodhi’s views so he wrote to Inquiring Mind and the two went back in forth in a very public debate. The PDF of those writings is posted here:
It is my view that Buddhism should accomplish the following three goals before this century is out:
Annihilate politcal correctness
Annihilate abortion
Annihilate transgender
I call upon all of Brian Ruhe’s followers, whether you’re interested in Buddhism or revisonism or whatever, to patiently and persistently give Bhikkhu Bodhi a piece of your mind. Please show him just how “bigoted” the supporters of Donald Trump are. You are invited to use Gandhian methods.
Brian Ruhe kindly invites you to walk right into the monastery of his residence, Contact Information
The monastery will answer telephone calls between 8:00 and 11:00 am and between 1:00 and 4:00 pm. If you call at any other time, please leave a voice mail and your message will be directed to the appropriate bhikkhu. Please use voice mail if your call is not urgent or if you do not need a response. Thank you for your cooperation.
Telephone: 973-940-0473 (Daily,Weekend) Hours: 8:00am-6:00pm
Address: 67 Lawrence Road, Lafayette, New Jersey 07848
Bhikkhu Bodhi is a high level Internet gate keeper for the Jews. He is the human embodiment of one of the worst kinds of evil known throughout the history of the international Jewish supremacists. This is what I have often called “compassion is aggression”. He tries to show to the world his Buddhist compassion, his self righteous moral indignation, all the while he planned to prostrate not to a statue of the Buddha but to the State of Israel. I want Bhikkhu Bodhi to stay alive. I want this monk alive and in reasonable health. I want to see a YouTube video of Bhikkhu Bodhi retracting his statements in favour of womens reproductive rights and in favour of just wars. I feel that the reason why he has had bad, painful headaches throughout his adult life is simply because Bhikkhu Bodhi is a lying Jew.
Re: Bhikkhu Bodhi responds to Trump victory
Postby JackOfHearts » Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:17 pm
Although Bhikkhu Bodhi lost all credibility as a Dhamma teacher for me with his advocacy for a doctrine of Just War, here, though he couches it as “defending women’s reproductive rights,” he’s advocating for women’s right to have an abortion. No matter how much I’d like to sugarcoat it, it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that once again Bhikkhu Bodhi is encouraging people to violate the first precept. I take it as further evidence of a fundamental failure by Bhikkhu Bodhi to understand the Dhamma at even a basic level despite his deep familiarity with the suttas. Shocking, I know. But his statements are absolutely irreconcilable with the Dhamma unless you are willing to throw out the teachings of all the Ajahns and the Pali Canon itself. Myself, the only way to reconcile the irreconcilable is to reluctantly admit that despite his admirable efforts in translating the Canon, I cannot hold him up as any sort of Dhamma teacher.
Re: Bhikkhu Bodhi responds to Trump victory
Postby paul » Wed Nov 16, 2016 4:20 am
In the dark times ahead Bh.Bodhi advocates an alliance between disparate groups in society. Many leading US Buddhists are Jewish and one of the first prime ministers Trump called after victory was Israel’s. It may be that the Jewish influence mitigates against US Buddhism having to go underground
Re: Bhikkhu Bodhi responds to Trump victory
Postby retrofuturist » Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:54 am
Greetings Mkoll,
Mkoll wrote:Which Ajahns are explicitly against all abortion, besides Ven. Thanissaro?
It might make more sense to turn that question on its head and point out that none could be explicitly for abortion, because…
The four transgressions which incur a Parajika, the penalty of automatic disrobal, are as follows:…
3. Purposely killing a human being or encouraging him or her to commit suicide (this includes inciting another to murder somebody and it also includes convincing a woman to have an abortion.
Good man here:
6) Do those Buddhist teachers simply not know about those mentioned political imperialist records of Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton? Can they really be that naive? To be fair: I would not completely exclude it. But it seems unlikely.
Or are they all a “progressive Buddhist” fraction of the middle-class Anglo-Saxon or Jewish support populace of that Anglo-Saxon or Jewish American establishment – which traditionally has been in charge of the American and British policy?
Very misleading post by Bhikkhu Bodhi here:
Buddhism has within it a vision for a perfect world. However Buddhism has never had the agenda to create a perfect world because Buddhism comprehends the majority of the world is immersed in ignorance & the world is ruled by ‘gods’ (the tyrants) that hoodwink the people to finance via taxation, vote for, fight & die in their wars (as shown in the top left triangle of the picture).
For example, most Western people cannot even see that it is their own governments & their political allies that are financing & arming the terrorists for economic & political aims.
Thus Buddhism states:
170. One who looks upon the world as a bubble and a mirage, him the King of Death sees not.
171. Come! Behold this world, which is like a decorated royal chariot. Here fools flounder, but the wise have no attachment to it
58. Upon a heap of rubbish in the road-side ditch blooms a lotus, fragrant and pleasing.
59. Even so, on the rubbish heap of blinded mortals the disciple of the Supremely Enlightened One shines resplendent in wisdom.
For example, only last week did President Obama waive the US Arms Export Act so weapons of murder & death could be freely sold to terrorists fighting for US goals in Syria.
December 8, 2016
Presidential Determination No. 2017-05
SUBJECT: Presidential Determination and Waiver Pursuant to Section 2249a of Title 10, United States Code, and Sections 40 and 40A of the Arms Export Control Act to Support U.S. Special Operations to Combat Terrorism in Syria
I hereby: determine that the transaction, encompassing the provision of defense articles and services to foreign forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals engaged in supporting or facilitating ongoing U.S. military operations to counter terrorism in Syria, is essential to the national security interests of the United States.
The terrorists are funded by US political allies & both the USA and the terrorists have caused a refugee crisis in Europe from lands (Libya & Syria) destroyed by the USA, NATO, its Wahhabi allies & the terrorists. Yet most Western people still believe the terrorists are Muslims that hate the West.
Al Qaeda’s Abdelhakim Belhadj poses with US Senator John McCain. McCain’s lobbying would play a part in securing Al Qaeda and its affiliates with sufficient arms to overthrow the secular government of Muammar Qaddafi in Libya. Soon after, these terrorists and their weapons would find their way to Syria via NATO-member Turkey.
There are even Western Buddhist monks (here) that greive when the war maker Hilary Clinton loses the election in favour of Donald Trump who at least said America should not be supporting wars in Syria & the Middle East. One of the rationales of this monk was Mr Trump did not support abortion for women.
Posted on November 9, 2016 by Bhikkhu Bodhi
It was with feelings of shock and dismay that early this morning I woke up to learn that Donald Trump had been elected president of the United States.
When people are so easily fooled like this, including by Western Buddhist monks, change cannot occur & danger cannot be escaped.
Since as Buddhists we cannot make war, we must prepare for the worst & learn to let go.
The Dhamma-Sacca of Samatha-Vipassana for the Nuclear Age
The nuclear age form of Dhamma prepares all people to face the events of our nuclear era: events of war and events of peace. It also prepares us for the general events in the daily lives of human beings. In the case of war, if nuclear war occurs, what sort of Dhamma will enable the mind to face such horrible dangers and punishment? With peace, what knowledge is needed regarding this situation in which there is still this nuclear age kind of peace?
Nowadays, what are people doing that we call this “The Nuclear Age”? They can go up to the moon, circle it, land on it, and come back to earth. They can send vehicles to look at, explore, and go beyond the planets.
Obviously, this kind of progress leads to strange and powerful results. In Dhamma language, we call these results atimahantaramana (ati, extreme; mahanta, great; aramana, things known or felt, things which strike or make contact). They are sense objects that powerfully strike the mind in the form of dukkha (suffering). Why don’t we take a happier view of the situation? Because that’s impossible. Material progress that leads people to be infatuated with sensual pleasure and stimulation blocks the way to peace. Even though we may be enjoying some delicious sensual pleasures now, such sense experiences support and increase defilement (kilesa), especially the defilement of selfishness. With selfishness reaching extreme levels, there’s no peace in sight. Therefore, we can see only these undesirable things that we have created.
In this nuclear age, such dangers can come at any time. Although we may have parents and children, it’s as if we had no one. Then who will help us? What will help? I think that Dhamma will help us, which means the Buddha will help us.
Samatha-Vipassana for the Nuclear Age