Most Pundits Have a High School Level of Understanding Regarding ETs. AI Video

Most Pundits Have a High School Level of Understanding Regarding ETs. AI Video

I turned this blog into an AI video at Most Pundits Have a High School Level of Understanding Regarding ETs. AI Video . People discuss world politics relating to anything going on in the world, past, present and future. If they do not include the influence of ETs in their discussion, then they are still in high school. This is the analogy that I thought of. High school is a time when students are relatively protected from the real world. Meaning, they still have to grow up a bit and face the real working world. They are living in an artificial environment and it is expected of them that in the near future, they will have to go out and get a job and face reality as it is. No matter how high a student’s IQ is, no matter how brilliant they are at passing exams in high school, they still have yet to prove themselves in the everyday working world, even if they go through university and get a Ph.D. degree. At some point, they will have to take their place in society and fit in and have a working relationship with their peers, as adults.

This is my analogy for the most well known and intelligent pundits in the world today, who comment on world politics. I got this idea after listening to UFO historian Richard Dolan’s talk on April 19, 2022 titled, “We Are Becoming Alien | The Richard Dolan Show” at

At minute 9:00, Richard Dolan talks about how people don’t see that our current global revolution is affected by the UFO phenomenon. It’s an important factor that has gone missing in all the political chatter that is going on. It’s being overlooked, he says. Please listen to what Richard says at the end, after minute 46:00, where he asks, could the aliens have something to do with the great revolution happening in the world today? I think, yes.

If our thought leaders are not publicly discussing the UFO/ ET issue and asking questions about how it relates to our world situation, then they are still in high school. They are not dealing with reality. They are living in a forced fiction. It may be impolite to say they are living in a fairy-tale world but they are either unaware or they are consenting to not relating with this very important factor in our world.

For those in positions of political power, either behind the scenes or in public, their hands are tied by secrecy oaths. We have to give them a break and be tolerant and accepting of their situation. But for those who are not constrained to use our free speech, we should be asking the big questions. We should develop a much more prominent public dialogue about what is the ET relationship with globalism, the current war in the Ukraine, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, globally promoted ideas about gender issues, multiculturalism, diversity, etc.

For decades, the UFO issue has been shunned in academia and ridiculed in the media and throughout society. But since Dec. 16, 2017, this has improved in a way we never would have expected. Now the mainstream media does have respectful reports about UFOs and for the first time, some states like New Jersey, have created endowments for Ph.D. programs in UFO studies. Follow the money. Academia has always shunned and persecuted the UFO question but now there is a reverse of this. Academics can see that now it is safe to talk about UFOs so I anticipate our society taking this more seriously at higher levels. For example, on July 26th, 2023, Intelligence officer David Grusch spoke to a Congressional Hearing on UFOs and stated that the US government had crashed UFOs and dead alien bodies in their possession. Now is the time for us to get ourselves organized and work together to ask these big questions. Let’s talk openly and very publicly. This will help to break people’s old, limited thinking and open them up to the profound nature of reality.

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