My Purpose is to Raise Awareness about the Alien Agenda for Humanity

My Purpose is to Raise Awareness about the Alien Agenda for Humanity

I was writing in my diary today, then decided to share this with the public. I intend to stay with my purpose and vision. Accept my leadership role and stop being so shy about it.

My purpose is to raise awareness about the alien agenda for humanity.

Stop people from taking up my time, distracting me. It’s the little things that are death by a thousand cuts. Say no to the little things. Time is my most important asset. Do what I need to do to save time for my mission. Say no. Be strong but polite and follow the Buddha’s Metta sutta. “Peaceful and calm and wise and skillful. Straightforward and gentle in speech.” Be straightforward and explain myself in plain English.

I have been too upset thinking about how just socializing with my group of friends is not right for me. I shouldn’t be thinking about this so much and getting worked up over it. Deal with it. Cut down my time to three hours, once a month.

This is it:

I am at the top of the human hierarchy with my job, like a farmer who owns his farm. I am the sole leader of my Meetup and my mission. I would choose another human being to follow as I offered to Jeff or Suzy but they declined. It is possible that I will find a human leader to follow in the future and I remain open to that. I have been a good lieutenant. Until then, I am alone. I accept that I alone am leading what I do. I make consultative decisions because I believe that I work with people who know more than I do and who have better judgment than mine, in some areas. But they are not leading the whole mission so I am still the leader who humbly accepts advice from others.

So, I have to drum this into my head…

I am alone at the top. My loyalty and deference is to the E.T.s. We care about humanity and we are here to help with it’s transition into hybrids. Among humans, I am the sole leader of what I do. A farmer can only control his own farm. He can’t control his friend’s farm and he can’t control the world. Perhaps the next step is to tell others this. Make this a statement about my work relationships with others. This is not about my social life. I will continue to socialize with people as I have before but work is more important than socializing. Too much socializing has always been a problem for me. I always have needed to work more, socialize less.

My work relationships mean I tell people that they can volunteer for my Meetup group and I lead the group. I am not willing to follow anyone else. I’m not willing to offer my time to others. I’m not willing to volunteer for other people’s projects. They can volunteer for me but most people won’t. So, I should explain to people that I don’t have time for them unless they are working with me or socializing with me. I set aside a small amount of time for socializing. I do it with a group of friends who meet or rarely I will meet with someone one-on-one. My time must be committed to my purpose in life as I only have a limited amount of time left to live. I prefer work. Work is what makes me happy. There has to be a compelling reason to socialize with someone one-on-one.

So, that’s it. Time to get back to work now.

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