I discovered this most pernicious global lie around 2009 when YouTube didn’t censor truth the way they do today. I have studied this a lot since then and keep coming up with the same science.
Here is a real science website about the global warming hoax:
Dr. John Robson investigates the unsound origins and fundamental inaccuracy, even dishonesty, of the claim that 97% of scientists, or “the world’s scientists”, or something agree that climate change is man-made, urgent and dangerous.
Don’t believe your TV and don’t trust governments. The Dutch farmers have been fighting this lie and it’s a globalist plot to destroy our economies and impoverish and control humanity and push us way back.
Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of Greenpeace, went before the U.S. Senate on February 25, 2014, to tell his story as it relates to global warming/climate change. Dr. Moore has decided to speak out against global warming.
“Today we remain locked in what is essentially still the Pleistocene Ice Age, with an average global temperature of 14.5°C. This compares with a low of about 12°C during the periods of maximum glaciation in this Ice Age to an average of 22°C during the Greenhouse Ages, which occurred over longer time periods prior to the most recent Ice Age. During the Greenhouse Ages, there was no ice on either pole and all the land was tropical and sub-tropical, from pole to pole. As recently as 5 million years ago the Canadian Arctic islands were completely forested. Today, we live in an unusually cold period in the history of life on earth and there is no reason to believe that a warmer climate would be anything but beneficial for humans and the majority of other species. There is ample reason to believe that a sharp cooling of the climate would bring disastrous results for human civilization.”
In this video he explains that young people are lied to and taught that they have no future because of global warming but warming is actually a good thing for us.
Conversations That Matter: Environmentalist Patrick Moore
Dr. Patrick Moore – A Dearth of Carbon?
Above, in Part 2, he explains that CO2 was getting dangerously low and we need more CO2!
Next, astrophysicist and meteorologist weather expert Piers Corbyn was recently interviewed by a reporter in RT.com’s Moscow studio about the unusually hot weather seen in many parts of the world this year, with the reporter stating the standard corporate media line that this is a clear example of “climate change.”
But Piers Corbyn replied:
“Well climate has always been changing, but this has nothing to do with man.” This is the video:
To your search for truth,
Brian Ruhe
One Response
I’m not all that concerned either way. There are other worlds and universes.
ᛋ The Four Aryan Truths ᛋ
I. Suffering is inseparable from existence.
II. Craving is the root cause of suffering.
III. Suffering can be ended by ending craving.
IV. There is a path to ending craving and suffering.
∞ ahandfulofleaves.org/documents/What%20the%20Buddha%20Taught_Rahula.pdf
∞ buddhanet.net/audio-lectures.htm