The Murder of Fritz Todt and the Sabotaged Defense of Normandy

The Murder of Fritz Todt and the Sabotaged Defense of Normandy

What happened to cause Fritz Todt’s plane to “accidentally” crash on February 8, 1942 has never been conclusively established, but it is well known that Winston Churchill wanted him killed. Given the fact that Churchill wanted Todt killed, some people have speculated that Churchill had Todt’s plane sabotaged. More can be learned about Fritz Todt here, but let is be said that Todt was one of the Reich’s top structural engineers and architects, and it was this man who designed the flak towers that served as air defensed for German cities when the “Allies” decided to bomb them to ruin and kill millions of innocent civilians.

In cooperation with Field Marshall Rommel, Fritz Todt also designed the West Wall defenses on the Atlantic coastline in addition to all of the flak towers that defended Germany’s cities. Truth is, the German army would have defeated the Normandy Invasion; however, traitors within the German Army High Command had ordered the Heavy Artillery removed from the West Wall and the specialists who operated these massive guns transferred just before the invasion. Hitler and those loyal to him at the top were also carefully kept in the dark about the movement of the massive guns of the defensive walls at Normandy prior to the “Allied” attack. At the same time that Todt was killed in the plane crash, Rommel was also injured when his staff car crashed, allegedly due to an attack by an Allied Fighter Bomber, and this accident preventing Rommel from thwarting internal treachery. 

In addition to gun crews getting illicitly transferred away from the coast of Normandy shortly before the “Allied” attack, the Luftwaffe was also pulled out of France behind Hitler’s and Goering’s back by traitors. The traitors within the high ranks of the German establishment also forged Goering’s signature to facilitate the last-minute transfer of the Lufwaffe’s defensive capabilities away from the coast of Normandy where they would have done the most good against the “Allied” invasion of the French coast.

German Coastal Gun Battery 1943


A British Soldier poses next to a coastal Todt Battery in 1945. 

Likewise, the elements of the Kriegsmarine that were supposed to help protect the coast were ordered out of the vacinity of Normandy in a similar manner. Only a small number of the very lethal E-Boats (coastal warfare craft) were able to launch a limited but still effective counterattack against the incoming “Allied” invasion fleet moving into Normandy.

The large and mostly mechanized forces that Field Marshall Von Rundstedt assembled for the counterattack to the Normandy invasion were also nearly all sent off in various directions away from the invasion front by traitors. The notable exceptions were the armored division commanders that were sent in the wrong direction, yet had their suspicions about the commands issued and chose to disobey their bogus orders. Despite having a few loyal and smart armored division commanders who smelled a rat and chose to disobey the suspicious orders, by the time Von Rundstedt and Hitler found out about what was happening in Normandy, it was too late to reassemble the force that would have surely driven the Normandy invasion into the sea.


Even with all of the grand-scale treachery within the high ranks of the German military, the ”Allied” Normandy invasion barely succeeded due to the glorious performance of the German Army and Waffen SS, along with the numerous Non-German Volunteers who formed part of the German military.

From the get-go, and a good while before the plan for a Normandy invasion was well-known by all parties, Firtz Todt was involved with the preparations for the impending Normandy invasion in cooperation with Rommel and Von Rundstedt, and this involvement was confirmed by two sources.

The first source that confirmed the German foreknowledge for the Normandy invasion was a spy called “The Druid”. Apparently, The Druid was an English Aristocrat and a closet supporter of Hitler who penetrated deeply into the upper echelons of the Churchill Government and funneled information to Himmler. The Druid was never caught, though the Jewish British establishment desperately sought to identify him long after the war had finished.

The other spy that gave the Germans information about a planned Normandy invasion was another master spy called “Cicero”. The “Allied” establishment never could find Cicero either. Cicero turned out to be a Turkish national that worked at the British Embassy in Ankara who was sympathetic to the 3rd Reich. The Turkish spy eventually wrote a book about his exploits called “I Was Cicero” which I read when I was in high school. Once Cicero realized that Turkey was going to refuse to extradite him to the UK for prosecution, that was when he felt confident to release his book to publishers and the general public. Cicero’s book was quite a thriller, and this man had nerves of steel. Cicero would court getting caught to gain information, including risking his life to gain relevant information about the impending Normandy invasion, but he always managed to just barely evade capture.

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