Three Prophecies Fulfilled, Prior to WW III, with Simon Roche

Three Prophecies Fulfilled, Prior to WW III, with Simon Roche

Transcribed by blind, Kelly Greenaway, the 03/03/2022 video linked here

3 Prophecies Fulfilled This Week, Prior to WW III, with Simon Roche

For transcription services please contact Kelly at .

Interviewer: Brian Ruhe

Interviewee: Simon Roche who is the Spokesman for the Suidlanders in South Africa

Brian: Welcome to the Brian Ruhe Show. I’ve just recently released a video about the Russia-Ukraine War, and how it relates to the prophecies of Nicolaas van Rensburg, which is getting really serious.

Simon, and I have been making videos since 2016, relating to these prophecies. It looks like they could be coming true now, so this is something of grave concern to us. So Simon, it’s good to see you again.

Simon: Yes, it’s great to be here, Brian. You were the guy who gave us our first opportunity to be heard by the world, when nobody else would listen to us; and we remain eternally grateful to you for that.

Brian: Yeah, well, you said this week, three of the prophecies have been fulfilled, so yeah, we should carry on. This is the most crucial time in our work together since 2016; now it’s coming to a head. So I’m glad you’re still here, and I’m still here, and we’re able to discuss this, and share it with the world. Even my kitten’s concerned. She’s only nine months old. Happy Cat.

Simon: Yeah, it is a critical time in the history of mankind, Brian. No matter what happens. This period; even if many of the threats are resolved. Even if they peter out into nothing, and we look back upon them as storms in a teacup, there are so many that have already done so much damage, that we will still always look back upon this period as something quite extraordinary. You know, the Pandemic, or Scamdemic, whatever you want to call it, a disease that was manufactured by Moderna they’ve found the genetic code that comes from patented code that comes from Moderna; so it was manufactured in a Laboratory. Its purpose was to harm us. The vaccinations as something completely separate to the illness, have done tremendous harm. We know now from the work of Dr. Lee Merritt, that the vaccinations contain the same technology, not similar, exactly the same, as was mastered in Australia in, I think it was the 50s, and 60s to combat Rat plagues, whereby they only had to vaccinate a few Rats with shedding technology, and the Rats would return home, kiss their wife, hug their kids, shake their neighbours’ hand, and infect everybody through shedding of Spike Proteins. We know that they depend upon, chiefly, the unique Ace 2 receptor pathways that are unique to Caucasians. And that for instance, they have no effect, none, nil, nil on Ashkenazi Jews; just as a random example. So this is a time of the destruction of the West. And the great lock-downs, of course, have occurred in the West. So bought over politicians are out to destroy us; and now they’ve come up with this blasted War in Ukraine. And I don’t think for one minute, that any thoughtful person believes that either party is in the right, or is in the wrong. Of course, innocent little girls, who get ridden down by Tanks, I’d say, are good, and they’re in the right. But it’s seeming to appear more, and more, as if this was set up a long time ago. By all parties concerned, stress all parties concerned, we Suidlanders, are deeply sympathetic to the arguments of the Russians. Don’t expand NATO eastward. You promised us, you wouldn’t do it. You are now in the fifth wave of Eastward expansion. But it appears as if, even those parties who have that legitimate grievance, were not oblivious to this development. In other words, we are watching Worldwide Wrestling Federation, or whatever it’s called. WWF. You push me, and then I’ll push you. And then I tell you what, you go over to the announcer, you grab his Mic from him. You insult my wife. I’ll grab a chair, and I’ll hit you over the head. They’ll all think it’s real! It’s a charade. It’s a masquerade. It’s a Kabuki theatre.

Brian: I want to ask you about Putin. He’s been around for twenty-one years. I’ve always respected him in his role, but I’m thinking the Russian Government even released a video three years ago indicating that there’s higher powers above him. So they’re kind of admitting that; so he’s kind of like a worker bee. He’s got higher powers above him; so maybe they planned for him to be this role to get World War III going. He’s agreeing to be the role of the bad guy. I think it’s something like that; he’s agreeing to this, like all Parties.

Simon: Yeah.

Brian: I don’t know.

Simon: No two ways about it, Brian. And of course, the really fascinating thing, and the reason why we’re on here together for this hour is because, or is, that it was prophesized, and we have a Prophet. We had a Prophet. He’s now deceased, who lived from 1862 to 1926, and …

Brian: 1864 to 1926.

Simon: 1864.

Brian: He was my age, sixty-two.

Simon: OK, you look good for sixty-two, Brian, I must tell you.

Brian: Yeah, Nicholas Van Rensburg had this old beard, and his hat. He looked pretty old, but those days, you know, people aged more.

Simon: And he foretold this. He said that World War III would begin with a land dispute in Eastern Europe. And he said that would lead …

Brian: Wow, I didn’t know that. Wow. This is the Ukraine.

Simon: Yeah, always. Always, it’s well recorded. I’m not gonna mention it to you. I don’t work from a script. So I don’t always remember everything very well. And I don’t prepare for these interviews. It’s something I’ve done for a long time. Spoken generally, not as an expert. Generally about this stuff, as a supporting element of Suidlander’s argument, you know, Suidlanders, as an organization devoted to preparing a national emergency backed to safeguard the welfare of our people in the event of a catastrophic crisis in South Africa. Our people being the Afrikaner Boer, and then related english speaking cousins. I’m not a Siener, or an expert Academic, for example. So, we always say that we begin with a land dispute in Eastern Europe. We were very clear about that; that was never not understood, and that it would result in a Turk setting alight the third great Haystack, and the third great Haystack refers to World War III. It was the metaphor that we used, also well understood, and explained by his daughter, and his good friend, Boy Mousman, and that’s really the gist of it.

There was related stuff. He did give prophecies that then, and now, appear and appeared to pertain to this time by prophecies that were completely separate. So one can’t be dead certain, but it is, and as I say, always has been generally understood that for instance, the prophecy pertaining to hyper inflation pertain to this time, or what is about this time. He said,

I stand with money in my hand, but I can buy nothing”.

Which can mean one, or two things. I’ll describe it in a sort of Parable fashion. I go to the Market with ten dollars to buy ten apples for my Children; but the price of the Apples is no longer a dollar each. It has gone to twenty dollars; therefore, I can buy none. So there are Apples, but my money’s not good enough. Alternatively, it could mean that I go to the Market with ten dollars, arrive there, and discover that there is none.

You’re probably aware that in the last week of December, China had stockpiled just slightly more than fifty percent of the worlds’ grains, and cerials. Outside of the food chain. Outside of the food chain. And the Chinese people represent eighteen percent of the world’s population. So the Chinese, over, and above the food supply chain, or the food consumption chain. They are are hoarding an inordinate proportion of the global food supply. You know also, oh sorry, I should mention that it was subsequently revealed that zero hedge writers have been conservative. And they’re not wanting to exaggerate, perhaps too greatly in the spirit of conservatism. Their figures were subsequently interrogated by a channel on YouTube; a reputable channel whose name I forget. They concluded that in fact the Chinese, if you don’t treat the biggest conservatively, you just take them at face value, have already stockpiled 60% of the world’s grains, and cerials. Leaving 82% of the world’s population to scrabble for 40% of the world’s supply, but it gets worse. If only the contracts, the future supply contracts, that already exist between China, and its suppliers, no new ones are added; if only those are fulfilled, and no new ones are added, then by the thirtieth of June, China will be sitting on over, and above that portion that is in the food chain, in the supply chain, will be sitting on 79% of the world’s cerials, and grains. So what is certain now, is that we are staring a global famine in the face. This is almost indisputable. Unless something changes drastically within the next six months. We will all come to know what the word famine means.

He also gave another prophecy, which has always seemed to pertain to this period. Although we cannot be certain. And it pertains to an illness. And many people have long said that the illness is Aids, is Aids is Aids is Aids. And I’m inclined to agree with that; however, there is an argument now that it may pertain to the Covid, the manufacturers. One way or the other, he then gave a series of prophecies, I think three, or four, which include another illness; so one way, or the other, it seems as if he was on the money concerning at least two, or three aspects of what’s going on in the world today. The Russian invasion of Ukraine, the next thing, of course, would be the Turks setting the third haystack alight. Should that happen, his follow-up would be that Russia will invade Turkey, and go straight through Turkey, like a hot knife through Butter.

Brian: Now that’s what gets me the most. I think you said the prophecy was Turkey will antagonize Russia, and Russia will roll through it in one day, and one night. Something like that.

Simon: Yeah,

From one end of Turkey to the sea”, were his words, or from the borders to the sea. In other words, the entire length of Turkey. All the way down to the Coast in one night.

Brian: On February 27, Turkey announced they might cut off the Black Sea for Russian Ships; so it seems they’re antagonizing Russia, as of February 27.

Simon: Yeah, Brian it’s really quite a remarkable series of things that’s happening in the world; and we can’t be sure yet, but this dispute in Ukraine seems to hit at a time of fulfillment of prophecy. Who knows?

I see that the Chinese hacked the Taiwanese power grid right across the entire Island of Taiwan; not to say that the entire island was without power, but across the entire island in different locations. Locations not merely on one portion of the island of various strategic resources, and key installations, and utilities were forcefully, how did the Taiwanese spokesman put it,

Forcefully, the power supply was forcefully broken”.

Brian: Wow. One has to mention about the possibility of a famine. Did he actually prophesize the famine around this time?

Simon: He spoke very clearly about a time in which your money cannot buy you things. And that either means that there’s rank hyper inflation, or a shortage of goods. Now the key goods in any environmental circumstance are water, or air, Water, Food, Shelter, you know, Maslov’s hierarchy of needs. And as I was at some length with some claims to describe to you, either means I go to the Market, and there are no things for me to buy; or I go to the Market, and the price of the things is too high for me to buy. And that’s my way of saying we could be wrong. He could have meant it the one way, or he could have meant it the other; but in light of this global famine threat, we’re beginning to suspect that it refers to one having money, having store of value that may be used in exchange for goods. Naturally, primarily, food, but might not being able to obtain in return. That is a long winded way of describing the six letter word famine. Death by starvation.

Brian: Yeah, I want to ask you also about what you said about Ashkenazi Jews. I didn’t know this about these Spike proteins, so they’re aimed at the white race, but they’re not aimed at Ashkenazi Jews; can you tell us more about that? It’s so planned.

Simon: He didn’t say anything about that; that has recently been revealed by Dr. Lee Merritt, who is a former head of the United States, I think that the correct title is United States Surgeons, and Doctors’ Association, proven that now.

Brian: Wow, so this is all planned that way.

Simon: If I design you a house, the kitchen is in a certain place. It’s not by an accident that they use the Ace 2 receptor pathways unique to Caucasians, but it has zero effect whatsoever, upon Ashkenazi Jews and all other races. I don’t like to explain these complicated scientific concepts in layman’s terms, and I’m not capable of describing them in scientific terms; but fifty-six percent of the time, that will have a detrimental effect upon white people. Nil percent of the time it will have a detrimental effect upon Ashkenazi Jews. In between are Māoris, Pashtun, Kazakh, Uzbek, Maya people, Inca people, Tenah, Titler. I don’t know the names of all of these different Races in the world. Eskimos, but clearly, it was intended that the vaccinations will do harm to Caucasians, or they wouldn’t have designed them to exploit specifically the Ace 2 receptor pathways of Caucasians. And then everybody else less, less, much less, much less; much, much, much, down to zero for some Ethnic groups, as I’ve described.


Brian: If we could just recap the three prophecies; want to recap the three prophecies which came true this week?

Simon: Well, over the past few weeks we appear to have seen the fulfillment, or the nascent fulfillment of three specific prophecies; or no, really not three specific prophecies, because there are numerous that appeared to be interconnected. Number one: World War III has begun by a land crisis, or land dispute in Eastern Europe. Number two: over recent weeks beginning in the last week of December, the world has been aprized of the fact that China has secretly ordered such an enormous disproportion of the worlds’ grains, and cereals that it is almost certain to lead to a famine. And then thirdly: maybe, or maybe not he did speak about both occuring at a time in which there is also a tremendous illness. Connected to that, whether or not there is a famine, or whether or not his prophecy that I stand with money in my hand, but I cannot buy; whether that refers to a shortage, or it may refer to the insufficiency of the money. In other words, Hyper Inflation; either which way, there is yet another prophecy, which suggests Hyper Inflation. It’s a complicated prophecy that involves Sausages. And I don’t want to go into detail, because I’m just gonna get myself into trouble. People can look this up for themselves. I don’t want to—it’s a bit like being interviewed. This interview. It’s a bit like being interviewed, because I read one book on Heart Surgery. It’s not my place to delve into the greatest detail. It is my place to give a superficial analysis, as I have in the past with you, Brian.

As we have discussed in the past, the greater ties between Namibia, and Germany. As we have discussed that he said,

After all is said, and done, when the Third World War has ended, and Russia has been completely destroyed, and the United States of America is a small, insignificant, little land. A small, insignificant, little, so there’s tautological redundancy there; small, and little mean the same thing, more, or less. The fact that he uses both words in one description is very emphatic. He says after that time, Germany will be the most powerful land in the world. And at the table of States, at the table of Countries, so to speak, can you imagine a banquet table, and the King sits at the head; at his right hand is an Earl, and then there’s a Count, and then there’s a Barron, and there are wealthy Merchants. He says,

The chair of Great Britain is unoccupied, which seems to suggest a devastating effect upon it”.

So I make the point again. I can talk on that level to you, because those things are pretty clear, and pretty straight forward, but I don’t want to start getting into the fine details of the meanings, or possible meanings of a chain of Sausages hanging over a Chair; which is the metaphor, or the descriptor. I don’t know what’s the right word for Hyper Inflation. So if you ask me to give you a summary of the prophecies that have been fulfilled in recent weeks, or which appear to be, being fulfilled, then I’ll point to the Global threat of Hyper inflation, such as is being screamed from the rooftops by some of the top minds in investment in the world. And they’re talking about bubbles, and Acid bubbles, and Mortgage bubbles, and a Mortgage bubble worse than the bubble of 2008, 2009. So, we’re looking at Inflation, scarcity, and when you have scarcity, nobody cares whether it’s in Roof tiles. If you talk about scarcity, you must think first of Air, Water, and Food; and we would say that’s the obvious common sense way to endeavour to understand something that is otherwise quite elaborate, or difficult to understand. And also the threat of Global conflict. You know, the United States of America did something two days ago, which is exceedingly characteristic of the Presidents of the United States of America. One of the most consistent, reliable, dependable features of the Presidents of the United States of America is crass, rank mendacity. If a United States President says,

We will not go to War”,

historically speaking, they have gone on every occasion, bar none.


Brian: Franklin Roosevelt in the 1940 election, he said,

I won’t want to send our boys to War”.

Simon: And if it was the US President at the time of the first World War, but whoever it was, made similar comments. Something along the lines of …

Brian: President Woodrow Wilson, yeah, he was totally compromised.

Simon: I don’t want to speak out of turn, but I have a distinct recollection in my mind of the early days of the conflict, or shortly prior to the conflict beginning, him saying words to that effect. And it troubles me that Biden said that, when he didn’t have to. Seems to me to be an indication that the USA might be lining up in the short medium to participation in this conflict.

Article 5 of the NATO TREATY PROVIDES ALL mutual assistance, and almost not compels it, but impels it, if you like; and for NATO countries to get dragged in, and then by indication, dragging in the United States of America’s the easiest thing in the world. For instance, the EU countries, who did offer fighter Jets to Ukraine, and then rescinded their offers today. If they had seen that through, one thing leads to another very easily. I lend you an Airplane; it gets shot down. Your enemy has now destroyed my property; was it your property, or were you the Steward of it, or were you the owner of it? Was it being flown by one of your Pilots, or one of my Pilots? Then it gets struck down over Ukraine, or was it technically over Polish air space? You know, all of these sophistical arguments that if used, pretexts, sophistical pretexts get used, Brian. So I don’t know, Brian. I think I’ve made quite a long winded attempt to explain why it is that many of us, who follow these things are now beginning to believe that we just may, just may be on the cusp of very big things in the world. Sergei Lavrov, yesterday said that

World War III would be Nuclear, and catastrophic”.

He wasn’t saying we are going to use Nuclear weapons. …

Brian: Who’s he? Sergei?

Simon: Sergei Lavrov, yes.

Brian: Who is he?

Simon: Sergei Lavrov is the Foreign Minister of Russia.

Brian: OK.

Simon: Quite an awegust figure. A substantial man, very highly regarded. He wasn’t saying we’re going to World War III, and that’s what we’re going to use. He was saving his very effort not to permit such a conflict; but the fact that these chappies are talking about this stuff. It is really giving pause. It really gives pause.


Brian: I think for the prophecies, I could just read from the book on page 393, sort of the progression of World War III. I could do a video just reading that to give more details.

Simon: 393. I’ve got the book here. I had a quick glance at it before.

Brian: Yeah, this is the book

Messenger of God”

For the audience, and there’s a link below the video for it; and its announced as an E-book. It’s not a book they just offer on Amazon. It’s an E-book for about eight dollars. So yeah, I recommend people get it. I guess you’d recommend that book for people, right?  “Messenger of God” is available at Amazon at:

Simon: Yes, yes. It’s not written by a professional Author, so I caution people to treat it, to appreciate that the man who wrote this book, wrote it because nobody else had done such a thing, and he felt it was necessary; but he doesn’t pretend to be erudite, and eloquent. It’s a layman’s attempt. The first point that he makes is that Germany again builds up a Military power base; and was it the day before yesterday, or the day before that that the Germany minister of Defense, or whatever, said they were going to invest however many billion Euros in rebuilding their Army.

Brian: Yeah, gee.

Simon: He talks about their being a Black immigration problem at that time in Europe. Particularly England.

Brian: He got that spot on, this Nicolaas van Rensburg.

Simon: He also said that

When a woman wearing a dress between Blue, and White,”

those were his words. Between the colours Blue, and White. “When she leaves the stage of History, as it were, that’s when the War begins”.

And he said that, he didn’t say this by name. He never said Queen Elizabeth the Second, but it is generally understood by the description that he gave that the Queen of the twentieth century; bear in mind that she was proceeded by her patrimonial line. Queen Victoria died, I think, in 1900, or 1901. So the Queen of the twentieth century, that she would be, the last reigning Monarch of Great Britain.

Brian: Wow! Wow!

Simon: And there seems to be some kind of a link. I don’t know. I don’t know for sure. He said that

Blacks, and Asians stream into France”.

Now this was written interestingly, it was published …

Brian: In the 1990s, right?

Simon: Yeah, this one …

Brian: Long before the Migrant crisis, which began around 2015.

Simon: Well this was copyrighted in 2015. This addition, but it was first printed in 1999. And the Migrant crisis began, as you rightly say, in 2015. It is true that in 2014, the Ukraine crisis began; but I can’t for the life of me, think that at that time, anybody imagined it would become what it became today. But this is what the Author says,

Before all of these events, this crisis in Great Britain, and France, and violent terrorist attacks by Asians in those Countries; before those, a dreadful Civil War will break out in Russia”.

And he puts in brackets [Ukraine]. I don’t know; and listen to this:

The rest of the world will blame Russia without doing anything about it”.

Brian: Yeah, we’re really seeing that. Everyone just piling the blame on Putin without analyzing the cause, and the conditions.

Simon: Yeah, it’s uncanny. It’s absolutely uncanny. The USA, and some Arab Countries will secretly arm these fighters in this Civil War in Ukraine. At the start of the hostilities, America, and Germany will stand together, but they will later part ways.


Brian: I can always do a separate video of you reading that. Maybe you can recap for the audience the progression of the War. I think it said in there, by summer time, this would happen; so how many months do we have? Do I have several months? I think you said it’s like book-ends. The War starts, and then the genocide in South Africa starts and ends, and then World War III ends? That was the progression, right?

Simon: Yes, yes, yes.

Brian: For many viewers, who’ve never seen you before, could you just recap the whole War from Turkey through Europe? The whole thing?

Simon: Well, the long, and the short of it was that World War III would be begun by a Turk. And the proceeding event would be a dispute over land in Eastern Europe. So, we wonder if Turkey is not preparing to antagonize, to interfere, to meddle in this conflict in some way; such as you eluded to earlier. Maybe, or maybe not; we don’t know, but such as by preventing Russian ports, Russian fleets from using their Black Sea Ports. Brian, that’s the gist of it. You talk about World War III, I mean, I’ve been speaking non-stop for forty-four minutes now. I think, perhaps, as you say, what we could do is read some excerpts. I could do a narration for you, when my voice is stronger than it is now.


Brian: Yeah, let’s get together another time. This is an unfolding thing now, so maybe we could do a series of videos, whenever you have time. I really respect your time. It’s so valuable. You’ve been my contact for five-and-a-half years on this, and it seems like this is go time now. Hopefully, this is not it, but it looks like it could be.

Simon: Mm-hmm.

Brian: I’m also releasing some of the old videos you, and I did together. Bitchute is kind of stuck on some; I might have to dig them up, the originals I want to release, because you’ve explained this before. So I’m in the process of … I know you say you don’t go back, and watch your own videos, because you have them all over the world. You’ve been on Alex Jones; you’ve been on Stefan Molyneux, and you’ve been in Europe and you’ve had 100 millions of hits. But I want to re-releasing some of your videos, so your words are not wasted.

Simon: Thank you very much, Brian, that’s very kind of you. I don’t ever, ever, ever watch, or read, or listen to anything that I am involved in.

Brian: But you don’t have to. You’ve made a big impact on the world.

Simon: Thank you, Brian, that’s very generous of you; generous praise indeed. You know, Brian, if you want to talk again tomorrow, I could read, say, four, or five pages of it uninterrupted. All right then, let’s do a series of them, Brian.

Brian: Yeah, and the news is gonna unfold day to day, week to week, so it’s good that you’re here; let’s do a series. Thank you kindly, my friend.


Simon: Let me quickly tell you what is the latest news. I’ve got some great sources, Brian. They’re absolutely brilliant. This may be pointless; in other words, there may not be any dramatic developments, but let’s see. Oh, Germany to ship more weapons to Ukraine; that’s verified. Oh, this famine thing. OK, so we have the latest on the Ukraine. We’ve been warned that Ukraine is the second largest manufacturer of fertilizer, let me just …

Brian: Oh, oh.

Simon: Fertilizer; therefore, the Global Fertilizer crisis is going to get worse. So we’ve been promised Crop failure this year. This is Scientific. This is educated, academic, sober minded, sensible people saying this, so this is the next thing I will mention, that is the latest on Ukraine, the location of resources, and the point that it’s making is how much of Global supply is being effected, because it is in this particular region that you can see very clearly, ringed in Red.

Brian: Yeah, I see, so this is all part of the plan.

Simon: Yeah, yeah, so it just goes to show what we were talking about earlier, you, and I; this idea of shortages, great shortages. And of course, the one to think about the most is Food. Los Angeles, and San Francisco officially hit five dollars a gallon for Gas this morning. And that’s about it, I don’t think I’ve got anything else dramatic to tell you, or show you, Brian.


Brian: Maybe I could get your actual analysis of Putin. He’s always been a mystery to me. I never thought he was fully independent. Like China, Russia, I think they’re partly under Globalist control. So what’s your analysis of Putin?

Simon: Brian, I’d rather hold my peace. Honestly, I just cannot believe, there’s an Africans expression that goes you don’t come in to that position. You don’t get into that position, if you’re not one of “them”. It just never happens. It has never happened; and it will never happen. But sadly, many people tend to take these things at face value. You know, they can’t believe that Vladimir Putin could have a Boss. He’s so strong! He’s so manly! He plays Judo! And it’s so ignorant! Dumb!

Brian: Yeah, I think that he has to be a part of the club to get in, but I guess what people are hoping is maybe after twenty years, he manoeuvred to be a really good Patriot to help the people. He did something, you know, like maybe he’s really good, that’s the thinking. Sure, he’s one of them, you’ve got a point, but that’s the mystery to me.

Simon: Brian, Brian. If you had to play in a Play, a red-haired woman, would you, or would you not put on a red-haired Wig? The Red Wig?

Brian: Maybe so, yeah.

Simon: You’re in a Play.

Brian: Yeah.

Simon: OK, so why people believe it when a guy says my name is … I can’t get into this conversation it’s asinine.

Brian: Yeah.

Simon: I’m sorry.

Brian: I’m just thinking of the viewers.

Simon: Oh, dear me. If I want to, Brian there was an event. Terrible event happened with my Sons about ten years ago. Somebody tried to interfere with them. And I explained to them that if a bad man wants to molest you, he is not going to come with a Ponga, that’s like a Machete. And as he approaches you, yell out at the top of your voice,

Aaa! I’ll steal you from your Daddy, and chop you up, and eat you!”

He offers you an Ice-cream, right? So if you want to mislead Christians, you masquerade as a Christian! You want to mislead Patriots, you masquerade as a Patriot! You want to mislead—man, I don’t know. I just don’t know how people …

Brian: Yeah, I think that’s a concern many people have of Putin. It’d be too good to be true, if he’s really genuine, you know. So he’s probably an Actor on the Stage. So maybe his role …

Simon: I’m not saying …

Brian: Is World War III, that’s his Role.

Simon: Yeah, of course. And I’m not suggesting for one minute that he, that’s he’s necessarily a KGB, under cover, deep agent. I don’t know that; I don’t know what course his life has taken him. What repentances he must have, may have undergone, how his convictions might have changed. What lessons he might have learned from life. I don’t know; but what I do know is not necessarily believe every word that comes out of the mouths of the class of people, known as Politicians, but what should be known as liars; mendacious ones, deceivers, double dealers, duplicitous.

Brian: Yeah, we’re discussing Putin, because he’s the man of the day. This the War, and he’s the man at the centre, that’s why we’re discussing him; but yeah, I agree with everything you said, Simon. And it’s, there’s lots we cannot say. We don’t wanna say.

Simon: Yeah, yeah, yeah, there’s a lot that sadly we can’t say. I’m not an anti Putin guy. I never have been. I’ve always had a soft spot for him.

Brian: Me too …

Simon: The suggestion that he has gone into this blindly. The suggestion that he was put in that, that he arrived in the Role of the most powerful man in the world over time, on average, for twenty-one years, and he has no Boss; nobody put him there; nobody’s backing him; nobody’s keeping him secure …

Brian: Yeah, he does.

Simon: Where did you ever hear of such nonsense in your life, man! When! In what sphere of Human endeavour has that ever applied? The man is an Island?!Rubbish. If you’re an Actor, you get acting roles, because the Studio gives them to you! If you’re a Lawyer, you get work, because the Bar Council, or the whatever you call these people, they give it to you.

Brian: Here’s a question, Simon.

Simon: If you’re a Judge, somebody appoints you. You know, people always talk about independent judiciary; and they always say it in a tone of voice that makes it quite, quite serious. Independent Judiciary. Independent of what? Independent of what? You silly twit! You moron, you. Somebody appointed each, and every one of those people, which makes them beholden.


Brian: I’ve got a question for you, Simon. Do you think Putin knows about the prophecies of Nicolass Van Rensburg?

Simon: Without a shadow of a doubt.

Brian: Me too, so he must know that the Russian Government, and the American Government, both governments, they probably study these things. They know these things, right?

Simon: Yeah, you know, I don’t want to brag, or crow, but in John Bolton’s book, John Bolton, the former National Security Adviser to the Trump administration: he writes in two different places about how Donald Trump interrupted meetings to discuss, in other words, he digressed from the ostensible topic of the meeting, to discuss the Boers in South Africa, and what have you …

Brian: Wow, I didn’t know that!

Simon: “What should we do for them?” And it was at the time, the book is chronological, obviously. It was at the time that I was in the USA giving the, whatever it was, fifty, sixty, seventy speeches; well interviews, over a-hundred. A-hundred and twenty, maybe. Big interviews, live speeches, and so on. And my point is, just that he knew that I was there, not because I’m special, or fancy, or worthy, but because it’s relevant. It’s pertinent. It’s jermaine. If you hear somebody talking about prophecies given a-hundred years before about a man that fits only your description. I mean, tell me one other guy that you can think of, besides Walter Matthau, the actor, who fits that description …

Brian: His hair that resembles a Wig, yeah, he must have known. Obviously, he must have known about it.

Simon: Yes, yes, now, with stern eyes, Brian; these guys know about these prophecies. They know that there is one God. And it doesn’t matter what, it doesn’t matter if you’re pro, or anti. It doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic, or Buddhist, but you’re conscious that there is this power that is supposedly making claims about you, wouldn’t you go, and look it up? I wouldn’t even hesitate. I would skip my next meeting to go, and look it up. I would cancel Tea with the Queen to go, and look it up, if I heard that somebody was giving a cogent description of the fact that I was featured in prophecies a-hundred years ago. I’d tell the Queen to wait, or I’d tell her to come back another day.

Brian: Yeah, and these guys, they’re connected with the higher realms; there’s higher levels of Government, they understand higher dimensions, higher realms, the nature of what we call God, or the Universe. They’re tuned into this; they don’t tell us that they know. They want us to be atheistic, but THEY know. They take this seriously.

Simon: Of course, yes. Of course, yes; you know whenever we get onto subjects like this, I think of David Icke’s book

The Truth Shall Set You Free”.

He has written others; but I haven’t read them, so I always refer to that one book, which made such a tremendous impression upon me. And I don’t agree with half of what he says; but the half of which I do agree is so compelling, you begin to realize that the wealth of evidence that David Icke, good evidence, persuasive evidence, good quality evidence, that he has built up over a lifetime is very, very, very difficult to dispute; and with that in mind, I’d say yes, Brian. Yes, certainly, Brian. You are correct, Brian. These people do have an apprehension of things that most ordinary people do not; and I’m positive that the Russian Secret Intelligence Service, or whatever it’s called, would have long ago looked into these things to see if there was something that they could glean from these writings; from these prophecies. If there was, to see if there was something that could benefit them, help them, elucidate them.

Brian: Yeah, everyone wants to know the future, and I agree with you about David Icke, there’s much I agree with him, and some I don’t agree with, but yeah, I agree with your appraisal.


Simon: Yeah, one thing is for certain. I’m trying to think of what is the word in English; there’s a certain type of person that criticizes everything, and disputes everything. I can’t think what the word is off hand, but it’s a seldom used word. It’s easy to pick holes in the conversations that we hold. You, and me, and me and my Boss, Mr. Gustav Miller; and me, and the world, as the representative of Suidlanders. It is easy to say,

Oh, I don’t believe in that, because it’s nonsense”.

That is incorrectly interpreted, and that over there has never been proven. You could go on, and on like that all day long, and methodically rip apart all of the stuff that we’ve discussed; but what you can’t do is dispute the claim that we live in interesting times. So when you take it piece by piece, by piece, by piece, by piece, by piece, you could fabricate an argument that everything is kosher for Passover. Everything is good; there’s nothing wrong. Simon is an exaggerator. Brian is a fantasist. Mr. Miller has Munchhausen Syndrome; but actually, the truth of the matter is that we live in very, very, very interesting times. Even if you discount this aspect, or that aspect, or the other aspect, or you prefer not to agree with the previous aspect, come on. The whole world has just been shut down for two years; that’s Biblical man.

Brian: Yeah.

Simon: That’s Biblical!

Brian: It is.

Simon: Then they shut down over a disease that was manufactured in a laboratory; that’s now proven. Absolutely, utterly, indisputably, irrefutably, incontestably, incontrovertibly proven.

Brian: Literally.

Simon: Then, they managed to convince seventy percent of the world, or seventy percent of the west, you could say, to take an injection, which has subsequently been proven to be manifestly harmful; manifestly detrimental. I don’t know if I’m right about ninety percent of my understanding of Siener Van Rensburg, or eighty-five, or sixty-three, but what I do know is this: it doesn’t matter. It’s pretty flipping clear that we’re in a whole lot of trouble; and that the best thing that I can do is prepare, according to the signs that I see on the horizon. Prepare for that trouble to get a whole lot worse. It certainly seems as if it’s liable to be the case within this year, 2022. Whether it be in the shape of a famine, or World War III, or Hyper Inflation, or the deaths by Vaccinations; hey Brian, did you see this? This had been quite widely reported. An investment guru, a guy who used to work for Black Rock; a guy who’s worldwide. Regarded as one of the best gurus of investment gave an interview about ten days ago, in which he described what is the next big investment opportunity? He said,

The real money in the world, his—the guy’s, he’s retired. He’s young, but he’s retired, and all he does is he works as a part time consultant; so people will ring him up, and they’ll say,

Listen, we need a tip”.

And he’ll say,

OK, I’ll give you ten minutes of my time, if you put a hundred thousand dollars in my account, before I start talking”.

So he’s just a guru. Brilliant; never been wrong. Remarkable talent. And he said that what his clients are doing now is they’re moving into Funeral Homes. The next big financial opportunity in the world is Funeral Homes. He said

Because what my clients are seeing”.

And he said,

It doesn’t matter what you believe about the Vaccine, about the Plandemic”

He said,

This is not political. This is only Money. I don’t care whether you agree, or disagree”.

He said,

But my clients, the richest people in the whole world are running like a swarm to the Funeral Homes; that’s the next great investment opportunity”.

And he said,

The reason is quite simply because there is an observable spike in death following receipt of the Vaccination”.

And that gives you some sense of perspective on what I’m trying to say with my croakie, weak voice tonight. Struggling to say.

Brian: You’re doing a great job, Simon.


Simon: Whether you agree with this, or you agree with that, whether you hate David Icke, whether you don’t like Brian Ruhe, or whether you think Simon Roche is a hysteric; whether you think Suidlanders is wrong, the fact remains that we are sitting, we are lying in the belly of the Beast. We are enveloped by a catastrophe of continental proportions; of Biblical proportions. And I’m past the point of quibbling over punctuation, and grammar, so to speak. Oh, he didn’t dot the “I”! Oh, that guy couldn’t have given that prophecy, because he couldn’t have known about such, and such, or whatever. I’m beyond it. Here’s the reality: we’re in big trouble.

Brian: You know, we’ve gotta get this message out; even people like my friends, they’re still concerned about Covid, and stuff. I’m saying,

Look, this is World War III. The Russian, Ukraine War’s only one week now. We’ve gotta get on this right now”.

This is a priority. People aren’t listening. People don’t—like you said before, very few people out of South Africa have ever heard of Nicolaas van Rensburg; that’s why I feel my role is to really get this message out. You know, and I know, but there’s billions of people, who just have no idea how serious this is, so I really appreciate your sense of urgency; so we’ve gotta get this message out.

Simon: It’s enormous, Brian. It’s absolutely enormous, but it’s not for everybody. You know, I’ve done interviews now that run into the hundreds of millions of views. Literally. Between BBC, CNN, Russia Today, Alex Jones, Stefan Molyneux, and whoever else, I occasionally do a rough count, and it’s almost impossible that there haven’t been over a hundred million views.

Brian: I mean, really, I’m proud of you, Simon. I’m proud to have started you off.

Simon: Well, I’m not bragging. I want to make a point with it. Sometimes, I’ll do an interview, watched just by four-hundred people. And I’ll think to myself,

Those were the four-hundred that had to hear it”.

This message is not for everybody. Brian, I know that you love everybody, and want everybody to be well; but I’m telling you, you’re gonna see with your own eyes, Brian, that ninety-nine percent of the people are gonna get left behind. Ninety-nine percent. In that, these messages are for the very, very, very, very few.

Brian: Yeah, I agree. I agree. Those who have ears, let them hear.

Simon: Yes, exactly. Exactly. Anyway Brian, my poor vocal cords are all talked out, so I must ask you to please excuse me, and I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to do such an excellent job this evening, but I’ve been battling.

Brian: Well, you’re great, and you’re very genuine, and sincere from the heart, Simon. I really appreciate you. I will be back on Monday night.

Simon: Yeah, and whatever we can’t get done on Monday night at six PM in roughly an hour, because much more than that is a bit exhausting, we can do another night. You know, two, three, four, five, six of these things.

Brian: Let’s do it. God willing. The future’s uncertain, the Buddha said. Thank you kindly.

Simon: All right, Brian.

Brian: Appreciate it.

Simon: All right, good night, and God bless you, Brian.

Brian: Good night, Simon, thank you.

Simon: Cheers, bye-bye.

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