I released an AI video of this blog, with thousands of hits, at Two 200 Mile Size UFO Motherships above Earth
Wilbert Smith was one of the greatest UFO legends in Canadian government history. He was an engineering genius.
“The Canadian Government UFO Story – The Wilbert Smith Files,”
is a November, 2021 book by Grant Cameron. It has vital information. Grant did original research and drove from Manitoba to Ottawa to interview Wilbert Smith’s widow. I highly recommend this book. It is available on Amazon.com at https://www.amazon.com/CANADIAN-GOVERNMENT-UFO-STORY-Wilbert-ebook/dp/B09KB8G161?ref_=ast_author_dp .
The Amazon description is:
“Was there a UFO study program established by the Canadian Government in the 1950s?The Canadian Government UFO Story looks back at the flying saucer research that was carried out by Wilbert Smith. Smith was a prominent radio engineer and Ufologist who oversaw a program called “Project Magnet” with the Ministry of Transport. Project Magnet was the official flying saucer investigation study program set up by the Canadian Government from 1950-1954 to gather data on UFOs. The intention was to apply this data to practical engineering uses and technology.
Wilbert Brockhouse Smith held a master’s degree in electrical engineering and was responsible for all the engineering aspects of all matters concerning radio use in Canada. This book tells the story of extraordinary Top-Secret memos detailing what U.S. officials knew about UFOs, communications from E.T.s, and the channeling of an alien named AFFA. Other documents reveal the opening of a landing base for UFOs, crashed saucers, alien bodies, and the search for flying saucer propulsion.”
The parts of the book which I emphasize are that Wilbert Smith had great confidence in a woman in Maine who could communicate with E.T.s. Francis Swan was the woman who started channeling these messages in 1953 from a being called AFFA. The CIA, FBI, Navy and other intell agencies were coming to her in secret, so they definitely took her seriously.
On page 209 there is an FBI document on Francis Swan with about 5% of the words blacked out. It states, “According to ************ stated that there were two space ships from which she had been receiving messages. They were described as 150 miles wide, 200 miles in length, and 100 miles in depth. ****** stated that these ships are designated as M-4 and L-11 and they also contain mother ships which measure approximately 150 to 200 feet in length. ****** related that **** had informed him that there were approximately 5,000 of these mother ships. He related that “AFFA” is the Manager or the Commander of the ship M-4 which is from the planet Uranus and “PONKAR” is the Manager or the Commander of the ship L-11 which is from the planet Hatann.”
Another important source was provided in Richard Dolan’s interview on Jan. 23, 2024 titled, Mystery Objects and the Donald Menzel Conspiracy | Richard Dolan Show w/Dr. Beatriz Villarroel, at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFQjwCgYQQo . She is a Swedish astronomer and she talked about photographic plates from the early 1950s at Harvard’s Observatory which revealed two very large objects in space about 400 and 600 miles above earth. She is also in this video with Ross Coultart: Physicist: Space objects appeared, disappeared years before first satellites | Reality Check https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckpFA0j38u4
When I discovered this, I thought of Suzy Hansen’s description of motherships such as this one illustrated below, drawn my Suzy’s husband Thomas Hansen.
In my video interview with contactee Jacquelin Smith, she described these motherships being as large as “200 miles across” Judy Carroll and Jacquelin Smith were E.T. Siblings – Part 1 of 3. This is the first time I heard the idea and it is some corroboration. I asked Jacquelin Smith if she could contribute to this essay and she emailed me back, “In my book, most of my experiences on the Mothership, were in regard to healings and doing some healing as well on the ship. So, the following experiences are on a different star ship as a child, but these things apply to the Mothership as well. All of this info is in my book, Star Being in the Mirror – My Journey as a Hybrid.
“On the Mothership, there were various levels, starting with a bottom level that had many corridors, which I loved floating through. It had long, spiral, staircase-like paths that were actually various frequencies or energy fields that those on the ship used to travel up or down on, or in any direction they desired, to get to other levels on the ship. There really were no floors or walls since nothing on the ship, and the ship itself, is not solid because it exists outside time and density. The ship felt like a spiral comprised of various energy fields. The walls, large windows, ceilings, and floors could all change in an instant if the beings set that intention. Nothing was physical in the way things are on Earth. At times the ship could be 200 miles large like a big city. Other times, it could be smaller. It depended on what the star beings’ intention was for the ship in that moment.”
“Yet at times, things were solid. A wall could suddenly open into a room, or a window could be moved from one place to another. A room could be empty and suddenly the beings would create floating tables of light to put other beings on when doing healing work. The frequencies on the ship are adjusted so that humans can adapt to these high-frequency energies.”
“Different rooms were designated for different activities. Each room had a series of holographic light code panels beside it. One room was for teleporting, another had holographic screens, and another was where other children and I attended classes. There were rooms for healing, which had silver instruments that looked like tuning forks; these were used to scan and balance energies throughout someone’s body and auric field. Crystals in this healing room were the colors of a rainbow, and other colors that we don’t see on Earth. They all emitted different tones used for healing. The ship also had a “rec room” of sorts where the star beings could spend time to relax.”
My comment on Jacquelin’s experience is that the Buddha described the devas (angels) in six heavens. The higher ones have the ability to create whatever they want, change their form and that the mind of the deva and the realm are not two different things. They’re the same thing. I believe that Buddhism has much to offer to ufology.
Getting back to Francis Swan, it’s surprising that she lived only five miles away from Betty and Barney Hill. When an investigator brought Betty to meet Francis Swan, Betty explained her experience with the Greys and Swan rejected her! Swan said that the Greys were demonic but Swan’s aliens were the good ones. Swan was a religious Christian and she kicked Betty out of her house. At that time the contactees of the 50s and early 60s only spoke of peaceful, human looking aliens. The Hills brought in a new chapter of UFO history with the Greys and now people seem to have forgotten about all the contactees before them.
Wilbert Smith met with Canadian Prime Minister Louis St. Laurent and was in the top inner circle of the US Majestic-12 group, meeting with their Director Vannever Bush. He even was allowed to see alien bodies and UFO wreckage, likely from the 1948 Aztec New Mexico crash. I think no other Canadian is known to have had such a high top secret security clearance.
Wilbert Smith died of cancer at age 52, on Dec. 17, 1962. He was also very unusual in being very open about his work. He wrote a number of articles, gave public speeches, and granted interviews, though didn’t tell all. When I read that he died of cancer at age 52, I wondered if US intelligence assassinated him that way, as it is known that they were working on using cancer as a weapon, at that time. I hesitated to publish this theory because I don’t know if his cancer may have been explainable and normal but I am saddened at the loss of such a great man, in his prime.
He was a genius, ahead of his time and he said that he had figured out anti-gravity but didn’t complete work on it, “because they would probably use it to drop bombs”. Smith also came around to the belief that the E.T.s had a good philosophy that they wanted us to stop our nuclear weapons and wars, which is my belief, 60 years later.
He went to UBC here in my home city of Vancouver and in 1961, he gave a speech at the Vancouver Area UFO Club, where he claimed to had been in contact with aliens, referring to them as “the boys topside.” When I go down Broadway I sometimes think of this hallowed ground where he actually walked.
Brian Ruhe