Ufology Update: Speaking Truth To Power! by Rich Scheck

Ufology Update: Speaking Truth To Power! by Rich Scheck

Ufology Update: Speaking Truth To Power! 

by Rich Scheck

Escondido, CA June 11, 2023

In yesterday’s inaugural Week in Review podcast, Michael Salla displays texts from RFK, Jr. identifying the CIA as responsible for the murder of his Uncle, JFK, and Father, RFK, Sr.   


The reason President Kennedy was executed according to Bobby, Jr. was because of his knowledge of UFOs. That confirms the testimony of Douglas Caty, E. Howard Hunt’s friend and attorney who quotes 

the famous spy as saying “Kennedy was killed because he wanted to reveal UFO secrets!”  

Salla goes on to say that RFK, Sr. was given top secret UFO info from the famous advanced technology insider, Phil Corso, which is why he, too, was killed.

All these revelations from the Democratic presidential candidate confirm the research of many others but leaves out a crucial connection:  that of the role of the Mossad through its link to James Jesus Angleton, head of counterintelligence under Allen Dulles.  Dulles is considered the “mastermind” of the UFO psy-op

dominating the conversation about the Phenomenon at least since the Roswell incident in 1947!  (See Mark Pilkington’s Mirage Men).

It was Hunt’s son who also confirmed the “CIA did it version” of the story by quoting his father’s deathbed confession that Angleton conspired with his dad, President Johnson, Cord Meyer and others to eliminate JFK.

These new comments from RFK, Jr. come in the context of the 2024 presidential campaign where we see many candidates with significant connections to the UFO issue and simultaneously with fresh reports from members of the intel community claiming to be whistleblowers under the new provisions of the NDAA about 

crashed alien vehicles, bodies, metamaterials and the “100% certainty” of an ET presence on Earth.

It makes for fascinating reading and much drama at events like Contact in the Desert held last week and Disclosure 2 in DC this weekend led by Steven Greer of the Disclosure Project even though there has been NO real proof offered to support the pronouncements other than the vouching of credibility by others with similar credentials.

UFO journalist Daniel Liszt has joined others like Salla and Joseph B. Farrell in this theory of the case. DJ has plunged deeply into these matters for several years shedding much light and original information linking the murders of the Kennedy brothers to both the intel community and the aerospace corporations in control of the UFO secrets pertaining to advanced technology.

Liszt has been relentless in questioning the bona fides of those Mirage Men like Elizondo, Mellon, Ramirez, Nolan and now David Grusch who are part of TTSA, AATIP and other recent cover stories he doubts are real UFO disclosure.   

Liszt pointed out on Wednesday in a special podcast that Grusch has been in touch with Greer since April, 2022 which is especially interesting considering the timing of his DeBrief revelations coming on the heels of Nolan’s SALT testimony about a Von Neumann probe he is planning with Harvard’s Avi Loeb and this weekend’s big

Disclosure 2 meeting which is going on as I write.

The more I reflect on the Greer/Grusch connection and the focus on this aspect of the conversation about witness testimony, the more my suspicions grow that we are seeing a highly sophisticated psychological operation and a continuation of the original cover-up with at best some form of limited hang-out rather than a full exposition of the truth.

I am pleased that Greer is planning on using the RICO statutes to sue some of the alleged culprits but fear it may all be too little, too late in light of the escalation of the war in Ukraine and other developments in support of the globalist agenda like those fires in Trudeau’s Canada.

The Grusch/Coulthard interview is especially troubling with nothing of real substance being provided other than an eager audience of researchers and others in the UFO Community being told what we already believe……..with NO evidence provided.  

Moreover, despite his otherwise excellent book, In Plain Sight, some of Coulthard’s chapters express a decidedly pro-West, Cold War mentality that is very quick to blame Russia for all the confusing nastiness in a manner consistent with MI6 disinformation.

Considering we are virtually at war with Putin in Ukraine based on an agenda mostly hidden from the public as discussed by folks like Texe Marrs, Steven Ben Nun and Wayne Madsen implicating Israel, the real meaning of the current UFO craze may be to distract us from the far more nefarious machinations by the VERY Deep State.

There’s much more to say about all this but I will end by inquiring whether any of these folks are courageous enough to ask if Israel has played a role here in taking out those who oppose their agenda that includes developing nuclear weapons at Dimona, expanding their control of the region to create Greater Israel and relying on “cyber, the domain of power” (Bibi Netanyahu) to perpetuate schemes consistent with the Bunting Cloverleaf (O’Connell), WEF/Davos (Great Reset using AI/Loeb/Harari) and the Talpiot intel program as their training platform for Loeb and many others.

RFK, Jr., Greer, DJ, Farrell, Catherine Austin Fitts, Richard Dolan, Richard C. Hoagland, the Hurtaks, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, Salla, Alfred Webre, Steve Bassett and many arguably decent people involved with these issues have shown various degrees of courage in speaking truth to power.

To the extent Israel is behind much of the mischief here, the collective failure of the UFO Community to include this topic in the conversation by touching the third rail of American (Global) politics means we might be allowing the Arahimanic (Draconian) forces described by Rudolph Steiner over a hundred years ago that are presently manifesting as transhumanism, to prevail in Humanity’s struggle to progress spiritually, avoid the scourge of endless wars and venture to the stars in search of our kin in places far, far away.

I say all this knowing there’s a possibility the motives of some in the Jewish State may be quite positive in light of what William Birnes wrote nearly a decade ago in UFO Hunters 2:  “When the US government refused to give Israel any information on UFOs and the aliens presence, Israel began to form an international coalition to expose and overturn the U. S. government’s cover-up!”

This extraordinary statement, if true, may account for the prominence of Avi Loeb in so many aspects of the current discussion about Motherships and Haim Eshed’s pronouncement in December of 2020 that “the US had astronauts working with aliens at a Mars base, that Trump new all about it but was discouraged by the Galactic Federation from revealing the truth” (paraphrasing)!

The truth remains elusive while the topic is gaining much attention in today’s news with so many events like Chinese balloons, 10 foot ET’s in Las Vegas, UFOs over the battlefield in Ukraine and the countless sightings around the planet by ordinary folks as well as the military.

I encourage everyone engaged in this process to go deep within and find the strength to ask the tough questions that will both end The Truth Embargo and elevate our Souls consistent with the highest good for all.





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