Vote for President Trump

Vote for President Trump

Since 2015 I have supported Donald Trump and I still do. My reasons are still the same for these years. I feel that in order to become President he had to choose either the Israel firster Jews or the globalist Jews. The globalist Jews are damaging our world faster than the Israel first Jews who are damaging the world slower so that’s reason enough to not support globalist Sleepy Joe Biden and left wing radical Kamala Harris. I believe that the President has done many things to frustrate the globalist agenda like pulling out of the Trans Pacific Partnership and opting out of the climate change global warming lies. Since the Jewish owed media hates Trump more than any other President in US history, he must be doing something right! There are countless other reasons.

At any time the powers behind the scene could use their technology to give the President a heart attack or fast acting cancer to make his assassination look like natural causes. He is better than Pence. He can only do as much as one man can do in his office. He is putting his life on the line for humanity everyday and he has already outlived Kennedy’s presidency.

Please give your inner higher realm blessings to President Trump, support him and vote for him today if you’re an American.

The President has had me on his email list for years so I’m sharing this one with you, below.

Brian Ruhe…

——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Slow Joe and Phony Kamala
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2020 15:31:32 -0500 (CDT)
From: Donald J. Trump <>
Reply-To: Donald J. Trump <>
To: <>



BREAKING: Joe Biden picks PHONY Kamala Harris as running mate.



Just when we thought the idea of Joe Biden being President of the United States couldn’t get any worse, he announces that Kamala Harris, a failed presidential candidate and a corrupt former California Attorney General, will be his running mate.

First, Kamala Harris attacked Joe Biden’s racist policies (did she forget?).
Next, she ends her pathetic run at President.
Then, 3 months after ending her own campaign, she reluctantly endorses Biden.
After that, Biden gets accused of sexual assault, so he vows to choose a woman as his VP.
And now, Sleepy Joe announces Phony Kamala as his running mate.

These two liberals are as far-left as they come. Between both of their terrible records, it’s obvious that this radical duo is PERFECT for each other but WRONG for America.

They are WEAK on crime and want to see our cities burn, unlike President Trump and Vice President Pence who are working tirelessly to restore LAW AND ORDER.

It’s going to be up to Patriots like YOU to save our Nation from that dark fate, Brian. Election Day is right around the corner, and now that we know what we’re up against, I’m going to do something HUGE:

For the NEXT HOUR, all contributions will be 600%-MATCHED!

I want a list of all Patriots who donate in the NEXT HOUR. I know I’ll see your name at the very top.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT in the NEXT HOUR and your gift will automatically be 600%-MATCHED. >>


CONTRIBUTE $250 = $1750   CONTRIBUTE $100 = $700   CONTRIBUTE $50 = $350

I need to know you’re with me right now, Brian. With your help, we can show the Radical Left that despite their best efforts, REAL Americans will NEVER support a Biden-Harris ticket.

My team is sending me a list of every Patriot who donates to this email in the NEXT HOUR. I hope I see your name.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW and your gift will be 600%-MATCHED!

Thank you,

Donald J. Trump
President of the United States

CONTRIBUTE $42 = $294



Contributions to the Trump Make America Great Again Committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

Paid for by Trump Make America Great Again Committee, a joint fundraising committee authorized by and composed of Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. and the Republican National Committee.

Trump Make America Great Again Committee, 725 Fifth Ave New York, NY 10022

We believe this is an important way to reach our grassroots supporters with the most up-to-date information regarding the efforts of the Trump Make America Great Again Committee and President Trump, and we’re glad you’re on our team. It’s because of grassroots supporters like you that we will Make America Great Again, and we appreciate your support. Thank you for all that you do!

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