Why are UFOs and ETs here?

Why are UFOs and ETs here?

This blog is inspired by Richard Dolan’s Aug. 29, 2023 video which I highly recommend.

Why Are They Here? | The Richard Dolan Show


From the evidence that we have, we can hypothesize that extraterrestrials are incredibly far ahead of our technology and our mental, spiritual development. When people see a flying saucer going from one area of the sky to another, what are they doing? They are probably running sorties from a mothership. They have an infrastructure. When they are seen going in and out of oceans, they may have underwater bases. They have intention and likely agendas with objectives.

Who are they? What are they doing? Why are they here? When native Indians first saw European ships arrive they weren’t asking, “Gee! How are those ships made?” No. They were asking, “Who are they? What are they doing? Why are they here?” These are the most important questions humanity should be asking. The big problem in our society is that we are isolated. Our society in not openly discussing the most important questions. We aren’t asking the right questions. Ajahn Sona said, “Knowledge is good at answering questions but wisdom knows what questions to ask.” This isolation in our society was caused by force- by top down ridicule but this has improved in recent years.

We need to encourage others to ask these questions. We need to talk about this. Fortunately, this discussion not censored on the Internet, even with all the growing censorship across the world. If you question the Covid vaccine you can be deplatformed, lose your job and be shunned by your family and friends. But if you say that there are aliens here working an agenda to transform humanity and revolutionize our world- no problem!

So let’s talk.

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One Response

  1. The book: The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac by…..Craig Campobasso is a ‘must read on those that are interested in getting….to the TRUTH about ETs. The author explores the origins, physical characteristics, technological and consciousness abilities, dimensional capacities, belief systems, and cosmic agendas of eighty two extraterrestrial species.

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