Why do good aliens allow hostile aliens to harm humanity?
by Brian Ruhe, Sept. 16, 2021
Why do good aliens allow hostile aliens to harm humanity? That seems to be what is happening.
This is my current hypothesis and below are some of my sources. The reptilian aliens are behind the elite families who are behind Covid and the vaccination program. The purpose of the vaccines is to harm and kill people to cull the population… way down.
The reptilians feed off of fear, which is being hyped up now in the media. The reptilians also want a blood sacrifice, meaning that they feed off of the death of people. All of that is consistent with the reptilians being behind this.
My big question is why do the good aliens allow the bad aliens to attack humanity? Why do the Greys and the federation of planets allow the negative reptilians to support the elites for centuries in their ruthless domination of humanity. Why do they allow them to get away with killing millions of people? This is our biggest question.
My guess is that the reason why, is the law of karma. My interpretation of the law of karma is that people live in the kind of world that they deserve to live in. Some people have it much better than others, which is consistent with the law of karma. Therefore, in accordance with our karma, humanity deserves to be persecuted and enslaved the way it currently is. Our freedoms are limited and they are currently getting worse but we still have a lot of freedom and happiness. Some people are much happier and more virtuous than others. It has always been that way.
Because the law of karma says that all of this is fair, then the federation of planets goes along with this process as maybe they can see the law of karma playing itself out. This can explain why the benevolent aliens who are trying to advance humanity, still allow the hostile reptilians to put us down and hold us back. I can’t think of any other logical reason why the aliens do what they do.
I invite anyone to provide a more reasonable hypothesis.
The Greys have been working behind the scenes since the late 1800s to advance humanity and their results are very impressive. Prior to 1850 the world just had horses pulling carts. But instead of Nikola Tesla bringing the world free energy a century ago, the dark forces took his inventions and twisted them to their advantage. The globalists also horrified us with world wars, media brainwashing and an atheistic attack on our soul. Both good and bad have been battling it out in recent human history and good and bad aliens have been the highest forces above this whole process, in my view.
The Greys are helping to evolve homo sapien sapiens with their large scale abduction program which focuses on upgrading human DNA which will result in the “new human”. These new humans are already being born and they pose the greatest threat on this earth to the current powers that be. Many of these gifted people know that they could be in danger so they are careful about putting themselves out there. The global elite have been very aware of this process since at least the 1950s so this tension is growing behind the scenes and this is not known in mainstream society.
I believe that these are the biggest issues playing themselves out in our day to day struggle with Covid and the vaccination roll out. We should get involved by protecting the new humans and raising awareness about how others can volunteer to help bring humanity to a tipping point. As these new generations enter into positions of influence and power they will turn the tables from within our global power structure and they will free humanity from the current chains that are upon us.
This is analogous to the Soviet Union. After 1917, the Bolsheviks ruthlessly killed millions of the best people in Russia. After Stalin turned against his masters, gradually the Soviet Union was taken over from within by Russians who cared more about their people and by 1991 the Soviet system was pretty good for the common citizen. It was way, way better than the horrors unleashed by Lenin and Trotsky wehn they sent millions to the gulags and starved and tortured decent people to death.
Looking to the future, I estimate that the Greys will allow the reptilians to take us closer to the brink of extinction before they intervene and save humanity and save the planet. If the law of karma allows it, it can happen that way. This is what we are living through now with Covid and forced vaccinations. If some people can hang on, avoid the vaccinations and weather this storm, they could live to see a very bright future ahead. If you maintain your virtue but get killed in the process, you can take rebirth in this glorious future.
Once again, I invite anyone in the world to provide a more reasonable hypothesis about what is going on in the world today. If you’re not here for the truth then you’re taking up too much oxygen by directing people to your stuff. I’m sure the future will prove me mistaken on some points so I hope to get thoughtful comments resulting from this post and also from video guests so I can improve my view.
I am a member of Amazon Associates so you make a donation to my efforts if you purchase any of these books with the links below.
Beyond UFOs – The Science of Consciousness and Contact with Non Human Intelligence, by The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences (FREE)
Order at https://amzn.to/3tOb6eQ
the Alien Agendas – A Speculative Analysis of Those Visiting Earth by Richard Dolan. Order at https://amzn.to/3CnVr9t
The Dual Soul Connection – The Alien Agenda for Human Advancement by Suzy Hansen with Dr. Rudy Schild
Order at https://amzn.to/3AhdGNa
The New Human – Awakening to our Cosmic Heritage by Mary Rodwell
Order at https://amzn.to/3Ajrsii
The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth by Dolores Canon
Order at https://amzn.to/2VM4Ojs
4 Responses
Sadly, your premise is flawed. You need to start off with saying:
1. Aliens exist
2. Aliens have come to Earth
3. Aliens continue to visit Earth
4. Aliens from 1 through 4 are of different species
5. Species in 4 have different agendas
6. Aliens in 5 care about humans in the slightest
Sadly if any of the about are NOT true, then all you are saying is a 2nd rate bit of sci-fi.
You call it Karma. I think a more comprehensive and focussed term is ‘The Dhamma.’ Here is an excellent short video clip from ‘Rumble’ explaining
Dhamma and contact with The Cosmos, which can also be described as ‘The Tathagatha……..The Cosmic Buddha.’ See the link:
I don’t think there is a planned agenda…..it’s more a case of present humanity becoming more aware of our cosmic contacts, the result of evolution of
our consciousness. Learning the cosmic language of making these ‘supramundane contacts’ is as hard as ‘primitive humanities’ first efforts to read and write.
A change for the better! The German Panzer Pioneer Battalion and the UK Royal Engineer Squadron are re-organised into one Unit.
See the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWrUtESwSAs
Good news! Deutschland Panzer Pioneer Battalion and UK Royal Engineers Squadron reorganised into one Unit.
See the link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWrUtESwSAs